Wow, Sean Astin came in for the fourth hour of 24 this season as CTU Agent Lynn McGill. I liked a scene with him so much, that I decided to transcribe it for anyone who missed it (spoilers, of course):
CTU DIRECTOR BILL BUCHANAN: Everyone stand at the alert; Jack Bauer has finalized the plans and it’s time for our rescue operation against the terrorists to commence.
(Lynn McGill comes running down the stairs)
BUCHANAN: (groans) What is it, Lynn? You already took my office, but did you think of another way to publicly emasculate me? Maybe by giving me your first name?
MCGILL: I analyzed the transcripts between Jack Bauer and Agent Curtis, and I think he may have been trying to signal that he was captured by the terrorists and is speaking under duress.
BUCHANAN: But we ran what he said against all known field codes and didn’t come up with anything in his message.
MCGILL: Did anyone actually listen to what he said, though?
CHLOE: No, that’s what computers are for, you fat, stupid hobbit! Uhh!
MCGILL: Well, listen to this.
(Starts audio file playing on a computer)
JACK: Curtis, I want you to change your plans and now attacks for the southeast corridor.
CURTIS: That doesn’t make any sense… but okay!
JACK: I’m in a flank two position. I repeat, a flank two position.
CURTIS: Got it. Attacking from the southeast.
JACK: Yes, but the most important thing to remember is that I’m in a flank two position. A flank two position.
CURTIS: I heard you the first time.
JACK: You do know what a flank two position is, right?
CURTIS: Uh… I assume it hasn’t something to do with you being to the rear. If you’re worried about us shooting you, though, we all know what you look like. Man, I can’t wait to attack from the southeast now; the terrorist will never expect it!
JACK: (groans) So, is Donald Ress in your strike team?
CURTIS: Donald Ress? Never heard of him.
JACK: You sure you’ve never heard of D. Ress? He’s a great agent, that D. Ress. Do you understand what I’m saying?
CURTIS: Yes, but we don’t have enough time to find Donald Ress and add him to the team.
JACK: That’s too bad, because I used to serve UNDER D. RESS!
CURTIS: (long pause) You’re sounding funny, Jack. We better attack from the southeast as soon as possible and get you out of there.
(McGill turns off the recording and looks around)
MCGILL: Anyone notice anything about that conversation?
(Everyone shrugs their shoulders)
BUCHANAN: You’re wasting our time, Mikey. If you cause us to botch this mission, I’ll see you’re sent back to the Goondocks.
MCGILL: Jack was using an old code to signal he was under duress… one that was protocol back when he worked for CTU.
BUCHANAN: Check into that, Chloe.
CHLOE: According to our records, Jack once worked for a Patrick Ress, but never a Donald Ress. I think he was speaking in code!
BUCHANAN: (pulls out phone) Curtis, abort the attack. (hangs up) Looks like you saved this mission, Mr. McGill.
CTU STAFF: Rudy! Rudy!
The other scene I really liked was when Jack blew up a terrorist with a cell phone as a distraction:
CHLOE: Have you identified whether the terrorists are Middle Eastern?
JACK: We only deal with Arab terrorists on even numbered seasons. I think these are Russians. They’re about to execute Derrick; I can’t let that happen. He reminds me of my daughter in that he’s nothing but a burden to my mission… though his hair is longer and his lips redder than hers.
(Prominently displays Sprint logo as he uses his phone to take pictures of the terrorists from his hidden location)
JACK: I’m sending you more pictures. Can you identify what that is on the right of the terrorist’s chest?
CHLOE: It looks to be a cell phone trigger for their explosive vests.
JACK: If you could send me the signal to trigger them, I could use that as a distraction.
CHLOE: I think Spencer might be able to help me with that. Spencer! Can you help me identify this phone?
SPENCER: Sure, I have lots of experience with that sort of thing… and other things too. Yeah!
(Edgar jumps to his feet)
EDGAR: You shut up, you dirty man-whore! You stay away from Chloe and you shut up! YOU SHUT UP!
CHLOE: Uhh! Calm down Edgar. Spencer, did you find the cell phone information?
SPENCER: Got it!
CHLOE: Jack, we’re uploaded the information to your highly versatile Sprint phone, that, I might mention, is only $89 when you sign a two year contract. You’ll have to reboot your phone and hit the star key when the phone says it ready.
(Jack reboots his phone. He then looks to see that Derrick is about to be shot in the head and turns back to his Sprint phone)
JACK: It’s still rebooting! This is taking too long! Stupid Sprint phone!
(Chloe clutches her chest in shock)
CHLOE: We’ve let you run by your own rules, execute people at your own discretion, cut heads off with hacksaws, disobey the President, and even have a drug habbit, but when you insult the Sprint phone, that’s when the really higher ups are going to get angry. You don’t want us to lose our funding, do you?
JACK: It’s rebooted!
(Jack presses the star key on his phone with the prominently displayed Sprint logo, and a terrorist explodes into tiny pieces)
JACK: Heh, that was cool.
24 is awesome! I can’t wait until next Monday!
It totally rocked.
For once, I look forward to Mondays.
Dang, did I just say that?
LOL! that’s my goofy goof.
oops, that was me and not my goofy goof commenting.
yeah 24! it rocks and so does Keifer!!!
24 is the BEST! But I knew that Palmer and Michelle would bite it sometime in the first few episodes, b/c the opening credits listed them (a.k.a. Dennis Haysbert and Reiko Aylesworth) as “Special Guest stars.” Yet they had Carlos Bernard (who plays Tony) as a regular credited actor. So I’m not reading the opening credits anymore! Bah!
Anyone else notice that Edgar gained a lot of weight since last season? Yikes!
24 rocks, so does Kiefer, and so does Blogs4Bauer.