“Mommy, I Don’t Like the Way this Crowd Is Looking at Me”

Caption contest, or does this one speak for itself?

(hat tip to Jonah Goldberg of The Corner)


  1. Hmmm. Tattoo on the neck, knocked up by, from the looks of it, Michael Moore’s college tour. Yeah, I’d wanna die before seeing the light of day, too!
    Kinda like the Cindy Sheehan’s son’s “Go to Iraq to get away from mommy, die there to stay away” plan.

  2. Unnamed fetal mass adds, “I’m glad Mommy’s in a good enough place in her life that she can see fit to keep me. Does that mean one of the members of Slipknot stepped up to the plate?”

  3. “This is the photo we’ve been talking about today on out newscast, taken just moments before stated fetus aborted itself. Later, as the placenta was passed, a note was found stating that the child couldn’t go on developing knowing the cheetos and bong smoke would be its only source of nutrition until 5 years of age. Please stay tuned as more developments become available.”

  4. Cheetos and bong smoke!!!LMAO OMgoodness that almost made me lose my bladder control!!!
    Anyway I’m thinking the BABY is begging for someone to save him/her from the rest of his/her life with THAT loser of a mom.

  5. …No, I can’t think of anything. Really, this one speaks so much for itself. I can’t believe that you guys have actually come up with some decent captions. My favorite is a tie between spacemonkey’s and Beolaf.

  6. The baby (or unviable tissue mass for commie libs out there) is probably thinking, “I can’t wait to put your goth @ss in a nursing home. I’ll make sure the staff beats you.”
    Then again, maybe she’s just a fat sack of crap and isn’t pregnant at all.

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