As I was trying to go to sleep, I heard scratching under the bed. Naturally, I thought it was my dumb cat Sydney, so I shouted, “Stop that, Sydney, or I’ll hit you with a rock!”
The scratching continued, so I looked under the bed to grab and shake the dumb cat… but no cat was there. Then I noticed a hole in the thin sheet that made the bottom of the box spring and two lumps moving around on it. I slowly gabbed my shotgun and lay back in bed. As I quietly as possible chambered a round, I told SarahK, failing not to panic, “They’re… inside… the bed!”
Okay, the last part wasn’t true, but the cats did get in the box spring and made scratching noises all night. File that under yet another annoying thing the cats do that a dog wouldn’t.
BTW, aren’t we the cutest couple? Awww…
No offense, Frank, but you look a little tired. What does she have you doing?
Nardo was nestled against my wife. Piper climed through the iron headboard and cavekitties her way under my blanket.
Piper burbled for about ten minutes, curling up and being all fuzzy-happy. Then Nardo grouched because Piper’s blanket-kneading was being done against his tummy, and they realized on either side of the blanket WAS A CAT!
Piper reached out and swatted Nardo in the head a few times. Nardo didn’t budge, Piper fled.
newlyweds… gack… i think i just got a cavity…
Funny story – in college a roomie was moving from LA to Salt Lake City, and I was heading back that way anyway so I put a load of his stuff in my truck and took it there for him, including a bed. The bed he had bought from a neighbor the day we left, and, as it was a queen, we got it from the neighbor, wrapped it up in a tarp, and tied it to the truck. We made it to SLC in one day, unpacked, and I crashed on his couch for the night. About midway through the night, we comes running out of his room, backwards, gives me this wide-eyed look and tells me he heard his bed meow’ing. Turns out the neighbors cat, scared because people he didn’t know were in the house (my friend and I, when we picked up the bed) had hid inside the box springs. We must have flipped that box springs all over getting it out of the house and wrapping it up in the tarp, then being on the outside of a truck (it rained a lot between LA and SLC, too) for a full days drive and then moving up three flights of stairs into his new place. I believe my friend coaxed him out with some food, and the neighbors drove up the next weekend to get him. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he came outta that room though. Nor will I let him forget it either.
I dunno, that’s something my dog might try to do. Then again, I never said Beagles are the brightest.
My cats do that too! They’ve almost completely torn the cover on the bottom of the box spring off, the little darlings.
Aw, you guys really are a cute couple. Good thing you don’t have a water bed, though.
Dave, you can’t get answers to stuff like that now. While kissing and telling gets you dumped prior to marriage, I’m pretty sure it gets you officially “kilt” after marriage.
My cat, afraid of everything when we first brough him home, tore a hole in the bottom sheet of the box spring, and made his home there. We were OK with it until one day we were wondering, “what’s that smell?” “What. is. that. smell?” Seeing no “damage” on the carpet, we followed our noses to…yup. Left us a little present inside the box spring.
Hope you guys don’t have to deal with that.
we stapled a sheet to the underside of the box spring to keep the kitties out, they did like to climb up in there. now the puppy sleeps under the bed, so the kitties avoid it. you should probably hurry up and get a dog. ;D