Politics and Money: So What?

I don’t get this whole Abramoff scandal. First, it doesn’t involve shooting or explosions, so it’s boring. Second, politicians have been using their power to illegally get money since forever. George Washington had the military rob a bank to test out his executive powers, killing four. Even Judas of Iscariot, a follower of Jesus, used his position of power to get thirty pieces of silver.
So everyone just chill, yo.


  1. Excellent point, jonag. The public is scandalled out, whether the target is liberal or conservative.
    I met Abramoff and Reed in 1994, at an Oliver North for Senate campaign rally targetted especially at us minorities. I think they were in charge. They did seem like big shots. They were nice. I remember Abramoff telling me he was a backer, or producer, or something, of Red Scorpion, which was a mildly successful action adventure movie.
    If government weren’t involved, then there wouldn’t be any opportunity for corruption. When government controls so much wealth and power, people will go after that wealth and power. Legislating to prevent such activity is like dealing with fly infested cowflop piles in a pasture by passing laws to keep the flies off; the flies will go there anyway.

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