Today’s Martin Luther King Day!

So I didn’t need to slow down when passing through the school zone on my way to work! Hooray!
If this day is supposed to celebrate someone who gave his life for civil rights, shouldn’t we like do something related to that? SarahK is helping out a transitional home for homeless women in a largely black neighborhood, but that’s more charity than civil rights… plus that was just conincidental that was today.
So those of you – especially those of you with the day off – how should we honor Martin Luther King’s memory today by moving towards a color blind society?
And no just jabbing everyone’s eyes out; that’s the easy way.


  1. Well, since MLKJ didn’t want a color blind society, but one where the Black man gets preferential treatment, I’m unsure how to play this one. I admire what he accomplished, but not his motives.
    So I’m not quite sure how to celebrate the day set aside for the womanizing, shady bigot that by accident happened to actually get progress toward equal rights.
    I may need assistance with this in deciding how to observe the holiday.
    You know, besides being at work.

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