Who’s Running Iran?

To further enhance their standing as a serious nation in this world, the government of Iran is going to hold a conference questioning the validity of the Holocaust. Other plans from Iran to prove what a serious and nuclear weapons worthy nation they are:
* Send some stout ships to locate the edge of the world and slay the dragons there.
* New map design that allows you to wipe Israel off it with a damp sponge.
* A conference on the connection between earthquakes and Jews.
* Write up formal plans for who to suicide bomb once all non-Muslims have been eliminated.
* Take another look at whether the invention of the wheel goes against the Koran.
* Reforms to finally bring their government into the 19th century.
* New guidelines for Ayatollahs to keep them from being mistaken for members of ZZ Top.
* Settle the issue once and for all over whether eating Turkey bacon is blasphemous.


  1. //Send some stout ships to locate the edge of the world and slay the dragons there.//
    No way! I have it on full authority that the dragons at the edge of the earth have at least 1500 hp’s a piece while your average suicide bomb only does 1D20 points of damage (seeing as your typical individual terrorist only has 2D4 hps) and seeing as the dragons at the edge of the earth breed exponentially AND regenerate at 10 hps a round, there just aren’t enough Iranians to pull it off.

  2. hopefully the wheel will be declared blasphemous, that would mean their own Uranium enriching centrifuge’s also were,
    then again they’d probably say its ok to eat pork so long as it caused the death of an infidel at the same time,
    hypocritical terrorist bastards…

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