You Learn Something New Every Day

My dad has always been a huge coffee drinker and taught me to drink it strong and black (he’s banned from making coffee at work since he makes it too strong). I was talking to him over the phone the other day discussing how to make the strongest cup of coffee. I said I prefer the darkest roast available, because it gives me the strongest taste and the best pick me up. At that point, an NSA operative broke into the conversation and said that, while darker roasts taste stronger, they have less caffeine since the roasting process actually burns off caffeine.
Never thought of that.


  1. Several years ago I picked up a case of caffeinated bottled water and used it to make coffee. I don’t know if you can still score the water, but if so, give it a shot. The resulting coffee has given me eternal life. (at least that’s what the data indicate thus far)

  2. Please, please, please Frank J. do something! I have a cable connection and a new computer, and IMAO nearly makes my computer crash when I visit these days because it so slow loading. What do the poor dial-up people do?

  3. Hate to comment on a tangent, but Mountain Momma is right, I have high speed internet and 2 Gigs of RAM so I couldn’t care less, but the IEXPLORE.EXE process is using over 365MB of memory when IMAO is loaded compared to 18MB when Google is loaded. If you’re a geek like I am, look into the XMLHttpRequest object. Very cool.

  4. You ALWAYS make strong coffee, especially for a group. And then you have hot water available to water it down to taste for the wusses.
    But the lighter the roast, the more flavor and the more caffiene. The darker you get the more… charcoal you get in your coffee. Thats all…

  5. I don’t know what on the sidebars could cause the problems unless its Pajamas Media. My guess was that RWD picture post last Wednesday was the problem (I don’t have a problem myself at home or work), but tell me if you still have trouble tomorrow after RWD’s last Wednesday post drops off the mainpage.

  6. Last time i tried black coffee it attacked my balls and stole my wallet (ITS TRUE!)
    I seem to be on a roll with black jokes today… but this one is true: the coffee spilled on my dick cause my dog went spaz, and then i jumped up my wallet flew out of my pocked and landed perfectly in the cup…

  7. Additionally, that helpful NSA agent could also tell you whether Juan Valdez had harvested your beans, and the name of the donkey he used to get them to market!
    Then he could tell you the name of the illegal immigrant that roasted the beans …
    It would help immensely to personalize that coffee!

  8. no problem launching from home or work. Both are high speed dsl. Never aquired the coffee habit myself. Had a friend who used to add a caffiene additive to his though. Looked kind of like those little non dairy creamer packets. Then he would spend the morning snacking on chocolate covered feeze dried coffee beans. I’ve never met anyone as fun to sneek up on. By lunch you could make him jump almost three feet in the air from a seated position.

  9. Thanks for the tip. I was lost this morning so I picked up my phone, called my answering machine and asked if there was an NSA agent listening. She said, “Yes” and luckily she was stationed in the DC area so she could give me directions. Cool.
    I also got a date with her. It’s funny, she knew my favorite restaurant and when I get off work. Weird.

  10. I surfed your achives and confirmed that the problem is limited to the post with all the RWD cartoons. But the total of all of the jpgs is somewhere around 4 MB or so… nothing I can find on that individual page appears on the surface to be taking up the 300 or so MB that is killing people’s computers. Very odd. I am sure Puppy Blender is to blame somehow. Or maybe Halliburton.

  11. That is true. Stronger darker taste does not mean it has more caffeine. Taste and aroma add to the experience though and if that is what you like the effects are not imagined. Just as a clean glass of water can be refreshing.
    You can actually fall into a trap with the milder roasted beans though. If you make Kona too strong you are fooled by the consistent flavor and have to go by feel like the jitters, shakes and heart palpatations.

  12. Only problem with NSA was Debbie,who kept joining in phone sex ummmmmm expolits but then we met and got married.yay.NSA spies are just lonely peeps out for a good time.Have never had a loading prob at IAMO.Maybe some basic speed up stuff (delete temp int. files etc.)would help.

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