It’s not hard to multitask . . .

. . . when you have four telepathically-controlled, telescoping, titanium tentacles coming out of your back!


  1. i think “michelle malkin” is a franchised name dreamed up by many talented writer/bloggers. they buy a “piece” of the frachise, and thus perpetuate the illusion that one super-genius cutie is doing all this stuff. the person “michelle malkin” does not exist at all. i even think frank is partly responsible for the persona.
    something for conspiracy theorists to theorize on.
    oh, and don’t practice your alliteration on us!

  2. The secret is out. Malkin like most other mom’s has super powers. They cook, they clean, they work outside or inside the home, they are logistic genius’ (or geniuses), some go to school, are room mothers, volunteer for Red Cross, the American Cancer Society, their churches et al, take care of their parents-brothers, sisters as well. Some write columns, books, articles even scripts for movies. Some quilt, garden, woodwork, play tennis, golf, even pool as well as a myriad of other activities. And yes there are even a few, who after being ridiculed by society sit on their butts and watch TV and eat bon bons.
    What is really amazing is that someone has nothing better to do with their time than to prove Malkin is a cyborg. GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!

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