Regular contributor Chris sent me a picture, and he and I are both convinced there’s a John Edwards joke in there somewhere, but neither one of us can find it:
If you think you’ve found it, leave it in the comments.
If you haven’t found it, visit the comments and leave High Praise! for the people who you think have.
The Democrat party’s new mascot if John Edwards wins the nomination for President.
Off-Topic, but…
Short time reader, second-time poster…
Found you through – easily the funniest blog I have ever read in my life. I’ll be here as long as it’s up! I also plan on buying that book and some T-Shirts too!
Keep up the good work.
John purely hates it when the other girls play with his “My Little Pony”. Besides, he was going to wear that later and now they’ve ruined it.
Fred Thompson wants to ride a whorse.
“…and the Horse you rode in on!”
Huckabee damned this whorse to the Gates of Hell!
John Edwards and Ron Paul drew up a blueprint of their Halloween costume, but neither could figure out how to play the front end.
Fred Thompson was last seen riding his whorse in the Great Smokey Mountains. Thompson said his whorse was inspired by his own dreams to be a drag queen someday.
Hey! I saw Edwards chasing after that thing the other day shouting something about getting his fishnets back…
Fred Fact: Fred Thompson has decided to ditch his golf cart for a whorse.
When John Edwards sees this picture, he can’t decide between envy or lust.
Fred Fact: Fred just got a makeover so he can ride his little whorsey.
Note on 2forPaul!:
The 2 = 2 testicles for Ron to swallow.
Tooferpaul….hahaha, oh that’s funny…and Original!!hahaha, oh my…’s gonna hurt real bad when that angers Fred.
Oooh, real bad.
This comment not made by
I think it describes the political culture at a whole.
My line on my Instant Messenger is a actually “I’m tired of the the whores of the political Sodom and Gomorrah.”
The line describes the Dems by default, but it also includes the RINOs.
This political season is very ghey. >_>;
#3 is the best, but #1 is really good too.
John Edwards and his male Whorse make the decision to get married. Everything is planned and the couple intend to honeymoon in New England for a week.
The marriage goes without a hitch and the couple set off on their honeymoon. While checking in at the B & B, the lady behind the desk asks ‘We have two suites available for you, would you like the bridal?’ Misunderstanding what the lady meant, the horse says “No thanks; I’ll just hold his ears till he gets the hang of it!”
All I know for sure is John Edwards will be the pair of legs in front.
Whorse. John, just drop the “s”
* My Little Porny
#15 – Posted by: AlanABQ
Awww…. AlanABQ wishes the little whorsey was his very own…. Isn’t that sweet.
AlanABQ wishes the little whorsey was his very own…
Please. You know I could never replace you!
lol! IMAOers all want to dress up like a whorse!
John Edwards always looks a gift horse in the mouth…
Then he de-CO-RATES!
Going by the Dems mascot, this makes John the asses whorse.
John Edwards’ ride in the parade.
John Edwards’ photos from the San Francisco rodeo.
John Edwards’ next Halloween costume? Canadian Mountie.
John knew posting those pictures on Facebook was a bad idea.
The logo for John Edwards’ new line of clothing.
#15 – Posted by: AlanABQ
Awww…. AlanABQ wishes the little whorsey was his very own…. Isn’t that sweet.
#22 – Posted by: 2forPaul! on January 21, 2008 06:26 PM
AlanABQ wishes the little whorsey was his very own…
Please. You know I could never replace you!
#23 – Posted by: AlanABQ on January 21, 2008 06:37 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice AlanABQ, but I imagine fighting with someone as mentally handicapped as 2forPaul! so obviously is can’t be very fun or rewarding. Or maybe it can…
#1… Because Johnny always felt the jackass was a little too butch.
save a whorse, vote for thompson
They’re doing all the fighting; I’m just having fun. I know I shouldn’t make light of other peoples’ disadvantages, but jeeze, they make it so easy to do.
AlanBBQ wins the whorse race!
hehe 9s the best
I’m giving High Praise! to:
Rubeus (#9)
Dohtimes (#26)
notforhuck (#29)
Although I did enjoy AlanABQ’s entry (#15) immensely, it wasn’t Edwards-related.
Oh, c’mon! My Little Pony + Silky Pony Edwards + a Whorse? It = My Little Porny!
sigh I tried. I guess you didn’t like the “bridal” joke either, huh? Fair enough; that was just a modified jockey joke anyway.