Home come when someone says a gated community of Ron Paul supporters, the thing that pops into mind is Arkham Asylum?
Archive of entries posted on 18th April 2008
She Should Write Politics More
Since I’m lazy today, I’ll just refer you to what the lovely and talented SarahK wrote about Obama, religion, and guns. She doesn’t write political posts much, which is too bad since the few times she did them for IMAO they were quite popular. I remember one got a comment from an unobservant reader, “That’s the Frank J. I remember from before he got married.”
That Man Is Old
Jim Geraghty is trying to start the new joke sensation.
I might as well try:
John McCain is so old that when he was born there was no such thing as hippies.
John McCain is so old that when he was born most Democrats actually liked America.
John McCain is so old that when he was born there was no United Nations and we didn’t even have to pretend to care what other nations thought.
Barack Obama’s Accomplishments
With all the negatives about Barack Obama’s judgment and personality, you’d think he’d have some great accomplishments to back up his presidential run. Here’s so far the most comprehensive list of them I’ve seen:
* When he gets his head stuck in a bucket, he can usually get it unstuck fairly quickly.
* He can name all the alter egos of the Flash for all his incarnations.
* Unlike some snobs, he does his own grocery shopping and can accurately quote the current price of organic arugula.
* In college, he held the high score on Centipede.
* He was once in the presence of a gun for five whole minutes without screaming like a little girl.
* He can always tell a Shiite from a Sunni, a skill he uses quite frequently at family reunions. [Ooh! I can’t believe you just went there! -Ed.]
* He once saw a blimp.
* He knows all the lyrics to “Uptown Girl.”
* He’s barely ever been outsmarted by a squirrel.
* He can pat his belly and pat his head at the same time.
* Despite the similarities, he’s never confused his own name for Osama’s.
Bear Attack
Found this on a Cracked post which I found through Conservative Grapevine. These are all scenes from the Nicolas Cage movie Wicker Man:
Cracked puts forth the challenge that you try and write the rest of the movie so these scenes make sense in context. I think I’d start with making it a movie about a cult that worships Winnie the Poo.