There is talk that Al Gore and Jimmy Carter and — I’m guessing — Hamas are in talks to work together to pressure Hillary to end her campaign. They could have a pretty powerful argument because when those ginormous losers tell you that you’re a loser, you have to listen because they sure know losers.
Archive of entries posted on 14th April 2008
And I Hate It When People Add an Extra ‘M’ to My Last Name
Since IMAO has been kind of hard on Obama, we do have to say that he’s getting good at handling people mistaking his name for another. At least he doesn’t look down on those people like he does the religious.
Fun Trivia
Fun Trivia
It’s Only Fair
After they finished smoking their Happy Meal, liberals got bored and claimed that they saw a reflection of a naked woman in Dick Cheney’s sunglasses:
A naked woman with no face, a big chunk missing from her arm, and a huge wang, but who are we to criticize the transgender disabled?
Seriously, people, it’s Dick’s hand holding a fishing pole.
Not so seriously, here’s a picture of Hillary Clinton wearing sunglasses:
Squint really hard, let your imaginations soar, and tell me what you see in them. I’ll put my observations in the extended entry.
Thoughts on Bittergate
I had some thoughts on Obama’s recent controversial statements, and thought I’d share (I do have a political blog, so why not?):
* I guess Obama just assumed that things said to the elitists in San Francisco just wasn’t meant for the consumption of the rubes in flyover country. The reaction to his statement probably just reinforces that.
* What exactly has Obama done that give him the right to feel better than anybody? Right now the notable highlights of Obama’s career are that he’s given speeches, voted on stuff, and co-signed a bill or two. That means we know he speaks English, can say yes or no (or present) when asked, and can write his name. I really think its hard case to say he’s qualified to be a shift manager at Taco Bell, nonetheless president.
* If bitter people are clinging to guns, don’t we need a president whose smart enough not to upset them?
* Of course, we know that Obama has a lot of experience with bitter people congregating together in the name of a religion. I don’t think Obama clung to that so much out of bitterness as political opportunity, though. Frankly, I can imagine him telling his elitist friends in the privacy of an exclusive fundraiser, “I prefer it when Wright talks about the government making HIV to kill minorities, because I find that a lot easier to believe than the stuff about the invisible sky fairy. Leave that for the hillbillies. Am I right?”
* In Obama’s defense, his worshiping fans are kinda stupid, and that does have to skew his view of things being around them so much.
* Obama’s slip was telling people exactly what he thinks, and liberalism just doesn’t work that way. That’s why liberals don’t succeed on talk radio. Conservative can say what they’re thinking and people like it, but liberalism explained in simple terms is condescending and fascist. Obama can say that people only like religion and the 2nd Amendment because they’re bitter and stupid, but he needs to obscure that point by taking at least two thousand words to say it.
* It’s a really horrible idea to denounce Middle America in San Francisco, but luckily the reverse isn’t true. McCain could bash San Francisco all he wants while in Pennsylvania, and that certainly wouldn’t hurt his chances in a national election. Pretty much the whole country considers San Francisco to be full of weird, useless people. The city is a punchline. The only ones who don’t consider it full of freaks are those who live there… and even half of them have to suspect something.
* Speaking of San Francisco, you hear how they’re advertising themselves as a sanctuary city? Of course, people as useless as San Franciscans can’t just be a burden unto themselves, they need to be a load the rest of us. Now, if San Francisco proposed something where we got to trade all the people currently there for an equal number of Mexicans, I’d jump on that trade in a second.
* For the record, I always bought Obama more as an elite liberal with condescension of his betters — same as any white liberal — versus a mindlessly angry black separatist like his preacher. Michelle Obama I can see in the latter category though. She’s craaaazy.
* Having nothing else left, Hillary sure is seizing on this controversy and portraying herself as Annie Oakley. Of course, she has a history of supporting repressive gun control, but that’s why conservatives trust her more. We know the only fundamental issue she holds dear is that she should have power; she’ll move on any other issue if necessary.
* Doesn’t the Tuzla comments seem endearing in comparison? While Obama’s speech was about looking down on us and our values, Hillary was lying to try and fit in with us, bless her little heart.