I’ve seen a lot of calls to protest China’s human rights abuses by boycotting the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, yet still letting our athletes play in the games.
Which is like condemning prostitution by having sex with a filthy whore, but skipping the foreplay.
We boycotted the Olympics LAST time it was held by communists. I see no reason to change now.
Archive of entries posted on 10th April 2008
Cult of Personality
Jim Geraghty has a great post on the importance of mocking Obama supporters, including mentioning a funny Lewis Black bit on the subject:
The unconditional Obama love is getting pretty crazy, and perhaps enough ridicule can make it unhip (do people still use that term?) to be an enthusiastic Obama supporter — and you know how much liberals hate looking like they’re not with the times (do people still use that phrase?).
First off, we need a good mocking term for Obama supporters who have drank deep the Kool-Aid and think he’s the second coming — kind of like “Ronulans” for Ron Paul supporters.
Well, that’s all I can think of now. See how you can do in the comments.
Petraeus Explains Simple Truths to Idiot Democrats
WASHINGTON (AP) – During a day-long session on Capitol Hill, General David Petraeus fielded questions from Democrat lawmakers ranging from the insipidly puerile to the monumentally retarded as he explained why it would be necessary to retain current troop levels in Iraq.
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“Why should we put all this effort into Iraq,” asked Missouri Democrat Ike Skelton, “when doing so prevents the U.S. from effectively preparing for other conflicts and puts at risk the United States’ ability to defeat those most likely to attack?”
Gen. Petraeus told Skelton that Iraqis were ACTUALLY attacking, and were thus deemed a higher priority than any hypothetical likely attackers made up by sniveling liberal defeatists as a cute way of attempting to score political points. “Besides,” added the General, “the only way America’s ability to defeat an enemy could actually be put at risk would be if God himself whimsically chose to tweak the laws of physics so as to make nuclear fission impossible.”
Mugging for the cameras, Senator and leading presidential candidate Barack Obama suggested what he called ‘a practical exit strategy’. “When I was in high school – back when they still called me Barry and I looked even more like Urkel than I do now – people used to tape ‘kick me’ signs on my back. This proved to be a very effective method of getting people to kick me. So why don’t we just put ‘don’t shoot me’ signs on the backs of our troops and run away?”
Petraeus pointed out the obvious flaw in Obama’s theory, noting that the ‘don’t ask me stupid questions’ sign Petraeus had worn to the hearings had been a ‘dismal failure’. However, he DID encourage Obama to wear ‘kick me’ signs at every opportunity in the future.
“All your strategies are interesting,” said Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), “but they all seem to result in an American victory. We want America to lose. Do you have any strategies that will make America lose?”
Gen. Petraeus assured the Senator from Massachusetts that, although he didn’t currently have such a strategy, he would definitely be thinking about how America could lose the war when he voted on November 4th.
In My World: Carter Meets with Hamas
“It is so good to finally meet you,” Jimmy Carter said to the leader of Hamas. “I hope this discussion can help further peace.”
“Kill the jooooos!” yelled the leader of Hamas.
“Yes, I know your grievances and I sympathize,” Carter said. “So what concessions do you want?”
“Die! Joooos die!” replied the leader of Hamas.
“And your adamant about that?”
“Push joooos into the sea!”
Carter thought for a moment. “You’d have to file an environmental impact statement for that.”
“Bash joooos with rocks!”
Carter nodded. “That seems reasonable to me… but I doubt Israel will see it that way. They’re so stubborn.”
“Destroy Israel!”
Carter leaned over and whispered to the leader of Hamas. “Don’t tell anyone, but I agree with you there.”
The leader of Hamas whispered back, “Kill the jooooos.”
Carter smiled and nodded. “Well, I think we made great progress. Hopefully this can lead to you all getting the nation you richly deserve.” He shook the leader of Hamas’s hand. “Goodbye.”
“Kill the joooos.”
When Carter left the meeting room, he saw President Bush standing outside. “What are you doing here?”
“You’re meeting with terrorists,” Bush said. “So off to Gitmo with you.”
“But I’m a Nobel Peace Prize winner!”
Bush punched Carter in the face. He then took Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize. “I defeated you in combat, so the peace prize is mine!”
“I don’t think it works that way.”
“Then why do I also have Al Gore’s?” Bush snapped to his Secret Service who grabbed Carter and shoved him in a wooden crate. Bush then put the lid on and sealed it with a nail gun.
The leader of Hamas came out and looked quite surprised by the scene. “Kill the joooos?!”
“He goes to Gitmo too,” Bush told the Secret Service. They shoved the leader of Hamas into another wooden crate which Bush also sealed. He then took out a black Sharpie and wrote “To Gitmo” in big letters on both crates.
Bush turned to his Secret Service. “Send them UPS Ground.”
I Already Know How 2008 Ends
I was thinking that McCain really can win the presidency quite handily to the point it will be very hard for Democrats to pretend some voting problem in a state or two caused the election to be “stolen,” but then I realized they’re still set because with Barack Obama they can just whine about how racism stopped him from being elected. Once again, it won’t be they nominated a liberal idiot, it will be the fault of others they don’t win.
They must be excited. I bet they’re already writing their angry posts about their loss.
Because They’re Mindlessly Evil
Obama has accused mortgage companies of “tricking families into buying homes they couldn’t afford.” Also, I hear mortgage companies are then giving the families HIV which the mortgage companies made in their labs. It kinda seems that making people default on loans and spending money on diseases to use on your customers is a poor business model, but I guess that’s why we need Obama to fix things.