I should have known. You know what the root of the problem is in the Middle East? Yep, . . . the Jews.

This article is funny/frightening on lots of levels, concerning lots of subjects:
PREPARE for a new America: That’s the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week. He promised “fundamental changes” in US foreign policy – saying America must “heal wounds” it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the “arrogance of the Bush administration.” The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.


  1. I’m not surprised.

    The French Riots in 2007 were perpetrated by the practioneers of the “Religion of Peace”.

    The UN-loving, cheese-eating surrender monkeys are sponsor a conference on Jew haters? Color me not surprised.

  2. Damned Jews. All they do is research tiny particles you can’t see and tell us how the universe works. Stupid fundamental particles. Who cares if bosons intermediate gravitational forces. They are not like Arabs who go around prevaricating when the truth would work better. Yeah we really need to do something about those Jews. They make poor Jesse look so damned bad because they are actually worthy humans. Jesse needs Arabs to make his pathological lying commonplace and thus not be noticed.

    What a country we live in. Down with the honest. Up with the pathological lazy stupid looking for an angle. Is that the new American dream?

  3. I really, REALLY hope this gets covered in NYC and Florida. Jesse may have saved us the election.

    While you could imagine Jesse did this to “cut Obama’s nuts off”, keep in mind Jesse has no love of Jews, either.

    While the lessons of 2008 basically are, “don’t trust a Jewish Democrat with your bank or a Wahhabist Arab with your oil”, I’d trust the former a hundred times with everything before trusting the latter with anything. And frankly if the other Democrats are any indication, it’s not the Jewishness but the Democratness I worry about.

  4. Ok, so then conservatives don’t have a lock on being Nazis? So, now the libs are Nazis or is it that Jesse isn’t really a democrat and has been a conservative all this time and I am missing something? So, if conservatives aren’t the Jew haters the media has always told me they are and the liberals are, then are they facists, socialist, and communists too or are conservatives still all the bad thing the world has to offer? I am a life long conservative who wishes that someone would just show the world all the contradictions the liberals are telling everyone.

  5. Whatever…the Republicans are the party that fights for the rights of Israel, yet the jews vote democrat each election…screw them.

    Kinda like every advancment for people of color throughout history has come from the Republican party (the party of Martin Luther King Jr., a registered Republican), while the Democrats have fought them every step of the way…yet 95% of blacks vote for dems. They get what they voted for.

  6. Son of Bob
    You hit the nail on the head – couldnt have said it better myself.
    While the conservatives go off to fight for democracy in every corner of the world and sacrifice blood and treasur, the libs sit at home sipping lattes and blocking Marine recruitement centers in Bezerkeley CA – so why is it that the Jewish “youth” are screaming and fainting for NObama? And you are right again – Martin Luther King Jr. was a registered Republican and is probably rolling over looking at what NObama has planned against his “Dream”. Sad – realy sad.

  7. Regarding previous comment *** Ok, so then conservatives don’t have a lock on being Nazis *** ……..turns out NAZI is short for NSDAP == Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei — National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Now I tell you I do believe that one of the parties has a lock on NAZI tendencies and it is not the conservatives. They are the ANTI Socialists.

    Now students which one of you can tell me which party has socialist tendencies? That would be the unDemocrats.

  8. And another thing: international banking is one thing, but why are the Jews controlling classical music? Heifetz, Perlman, Horowitz, Bernstein, Stern, Sills … Am I seeing a pattern here? Are they plotting a takeover of Deutsche Grammophon? Michael Tilson Thomas – or shall I say Thomashefsky – it’s time to come out of the sukkah. There must be a conspiracy here, if only we goyim were smart enough to figure it out. Oh well, at least Britney Spears is a WASP.

  9. Sorry, but I don’t think anything will stop the Obamessiah at this point.
    If he were videoed burning babies and raping puppies the Obama crack whores in teh media would report that the ‘Dear Leader” was developing new energy sources and expressing love of animals.
    Can’t you see Secretary od State Jesse Jackson?
    Supreme Court Justice Bill Ayers?
    What amazing things we are going to see in the next few years.

  10. “Yes, I am a jew, and when the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.”
    – Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, reply to a taunt by Daniel O’Connell

  11. You know Mr. O’Connel should have understood what it was like to be Jewish. Both the Irish and the Jews have a history of people trying to extinguish them. What a shame.

    Now on topic, I don’t know what religion Mr. Jackson is supposed to belong to but Christian he isn’t. No one could say the things he does and do the things he does and be a “real” Christian, i.e. a follower of the man who said;
    Matt. 6: 12, 14-15
    12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
    • • •
    14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
    15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

    So anything he has to say about Jews, Christ or anything at all should be discounted as coming from a racist, bigoted bully with delusions of relevance.

    But let me tell you how I really feel………

  12. None of these Jew-loving tendencies from “The One” should surprise any thinking person. In fact we shouldn’t be surprised if he installs Mr. Ahmadinejad as Secretary of Peace, or at least his clone. Why should we consider Iran a threat when Sharia law is the “New American Way?”

    Hugging your guns might make you feel safe for a minute or two, but won’t bring the hope and change we’ve been waiting for. But . . .

    Actually I’ve caught wind of the military preparing to handle “civil unrest” depending on the outcome of this election. Interesting . . .

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