Can’t you just imagine what’s going through his mind:
“These are the morons who are going to put me in the White House. What a group of mindless maroons”.
To me, it looks like one of those ancient tombstones. Can you imagine the liberal medias’ reaction if one of the conservatives brought a tombstone with Obama’s name on it?
She had him sign an effigy of a hooded Klansman. Is Obama racist? Maybe!
Can sombody photo shop that to read –
” KKK for Obama-
After all, he is half white. “?
Birth of a Defamation.
Can’t you just imagine what’s going through his mind:
“These are the morons who are going to put me in the White House. What a group of mindless maroons”.
“So, this is what Lenin meant by ‘useless idiots’.
useful idiots, rather.
So an Obama supporter can hold up a cutout of a spook to Obama and it’s not racist, but if I do the same thig, it is??
To me, it looks like one of those ancient tombstones. Can you imagine the liberal medias’ reaction if one of the conservatives brought a tombstone with Obama’s name on it?
Brian my spouse said the same thing. I hesitated to use the “s” word though. I get tired of being the trolls favorite target occasionally.
Who am I kidding? I love when their little pin heads explode and they have written diarrhea. Makes me chuckle.
He looks photoshopped. Is this a real picture, or did you make him up?
Sorry, I just woke up. From everything I’ve read about him, he sounds both phony and scary. Maybe I’ll just go back to sleep…