And not just any kind of Muslim, but a terrorist Muslim — the worst kind of Muslim!
I was at another Obama campaign stop, and I happened to run into Obama again. All the stuff I’ve head about William Ayers concerned me, so I decided to ask Obama about it. “Just to clear things up,” I said, “do you condemn Ayers’s terrorist acts?”
“Of course I do!” Obama answered, and he seemed pretty indignant. “That was just senseless, pointless violence… because it wasn’t done for the glory of Allah!”
Also, you may have heard that Obama’s middle initial is ‘H’. Know what that stand for? “Mohammad”.
Frank, you don’t have to prove Obama is a Muslim!!! I worked side by side with Muslims for 5 years. You can always tell by the shifty eyes and arrogant attitude!!!!
cataalex, I thought that was the Germans…
Who do you think the Muslims learned it from the Germans and The French!!!
(“Ads By Gooooooogle: International Muslim Matrimonial Site! [Steamy pic of hot muslimmy chick in red burka] Browse Photos Now!”)
Barry only regrets that Ayers didn’t do more.
Frank, I need your photoshop skills. Google Liberty Gold Dollar and you’ll understand exactly what I want you to do.
Make that, New Liberty Gold dollar.
I thought the “H” stood for “holier-than-thou”…go figure.
Why not sponsor a fundraising dinner for Obama in which the main course was pork chops, then see how he weasels out of the invitation. After that, pin him down and try to make him eat a pickled pig foot. When he starts screaming out “Allahu Akbar!” you will have your confirmation.
Wasn’t it Muslim dudes that loaded a donkey down with explosives and sent a couple of “true believers” in to detonate the bomb only to have someone film the two dill weeds “having their way” with the mule? Yup…this sounds like our next POTUS! And the American people will have nobody to blame but the image in the mirror! Allaha Ackbar (or however the hell you spell this crap!).
We are going to need lessons in Arabic once “Our Great And Glorious Leader May He Live Forever” is elected…
“And not just any kind of Muslim, but a terrorist Muslim — the worst kind of Muslim!”
Is there any other kind?
Oh, yes, Son of Bob… the peaceful Muslim of the Religion of Peace. I quote thusly: “Ala mmmmm eiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee alaaaaaaaa la ma…kissa ma assa ala ammmm”
Barack said “My Muslim faith” on This Week with George Stephanopolis and Georgie boy said “you mean, your Christian faith, don’t you?”
Thank goodness this information has come to light,
though it IS hard to believe.
Next, I suppose you will tell me
he is a socialist who wants to use
the tax code to guarantee fairness
and equality of results, *HA*
as if he would just want to
spread the wealth of hard working Americans around.
That’s just crazy talk.
Muslim crazy talk.
“Worst kind of Muslim”?!?
Now don’t make me unsheath my Soul Scimitar and show you and your mama the kind of Chicago South-Side Jihad that I used to throw down before I hooked up with Michelle and stopped being a blatant playa fo’ Allah.
Brotha gonna bust out tha praya rugz in full effek in a few weeks, so slow ya rolls, ya uppity Righties!
Obama like the rest of the liberal left is a secular humanist. He’s just floating the whole “Muslim” thing to make people believe he actually has faith in something besides the “arm of the flesh”. It isn’t true. If he’s a Christian I’m a three toad hogsnoggler. (and I’m not)
FrankJ, you’re just fishing for those trolls that came by last time aren’t you. I’d appreciate more help in their destruction next time. The retards.
It actually stands for “Hussein” – EVEN WORSE!