Allahpundit has some words from Dean Barnett — who I’m really missing about now — and adds what I think is the proper sentiment: Congratulations to our country for not letting the wrong reasons deter it from making the wrong choice.
It’s not like this is the dumbest thing America has ever done.
We’ve done dumber??
I don’t know about that, Frank. This is pretty damned dumb.
The (mostly) American people have spoken. Unfortunately, they’ve said: “We are idiots!”
slavery is about the only thing dumber this country has done.
I dunno, Jewels, we did elect FDR for a third term.
slavery is about the only thing dumber this country has done.
What is so dumb about it, you racist cracker? That’s what is in store for you honkeys while I’m building My warp drive. You will be building the Reparations Ship Obama that will shoot you into another galaxy’s supermassive black hole!
We have indeed seen the (hopefully temporary) victory of Selfishness and Stupidity over Self-Reliance and Logic. Truly a sad day and a bleak outlook for the future of this great Republic.
Clinton’s 2nd term.
They (not me) voted out a president who didn’t keep a promise, in favor of a president who couldn’t tell the truth.
And after 4 years of seeing who he was, they did it again!
Actually, we have done one thing even dumber: Republican nominee John “The Maverick” McCain.
And now, we can expect McCain to resume his previous role in the senate, leading the charge AGAINST the Republican party, in hopes of once again being the NY Times darling.
Dumbest thing America has ever done? 19th amendment.
Thank you folks. I’ll be here all week.
McCain was not my first choice to represent us this year, so much so that I was set to vote Libertarian had Palin not been the running mate. But admittedly, I did/do like the idea of McCain’s being able to (at least theoretically) work with both sides of the aisle, mainly because most of the voters (I thought) including myself wanted someone who could cross party lines and get things done rather than engage in partisan bickering and demonizing the other party.
Clearly, this is not the case, evidenced yesterday. Also, bipartisanship only works when both parties reach across to work with the other side. We know McCain and Palin have done it; who on the Democrat side has, besides Lieberman? When has a Democrat ever admitted their own mistakes? Its always someone else’s fault. That is but one reason why voting Democrat is highly unlikely for me. Ever.
But like Rush said, maybe bipartisanship is overrated, because what exactly are we supposed to compromise on? And face it, it will be the Rs doing the compromising, not the Ds.
If the voters want an all or nothing party in power rather than a shared system of Constitutional checks and balances, so be it. If the opposing party wants a pissing contest, that could be fun as well. But that also means that us conservatives taking back the Republican party have to grow a spine and hunt RINOs and Liberals to extinction.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this other than all over the place; just thinking out loud I guess. Venting is good.
#11, Mysogynist!