The First Rethuglican

I didn’t realize that today is also Lincoln’s 200th birthday, but he didn’t add anything to science so screw him.


  1. Today is my birthday also.
    I always felt special because I shared my birthday with such a famous president.
    I never knew until today that it was also Darwin’s birthday – Thanks A Lot!
    I love the random, unplanned, coincidence (not) that Lincoln and Darwin were born on the same day.
    If it wasn’t President Lincoln’s Bicentenial, all the Social Darwinists would be crowing about that wrinkly old coot with the uneven chin shrubbery, instead of twisting Lincoln’s legacy to suit their own avaricious agenda.

    “If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”
    – Abraham Lincoln, 1838.

    “While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years.”
    – Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, 1861.

    “I have always thought that all men should be free; but if any should be slaves, it should be first those who desire it for themselves, and secondly those who desire it for others. Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”
    – Abraham Lincoln, 1865.

  2. Happy Birthday, 4 of 7

    It seems the more things change the more they stay the same. Republicans are still trying to free the slaves (demoncrat robots)

    Democrats are still trying to enslave anyone and everyone to advance their personal, peculiar institutions: Welfare, Socialism, Communism, Atheism et al.

    One hundred and forty eight years and we’re still fighting the same battles. I’m not sure we’ll ever learn.

  3. If Lincoln were here today, do you think he’d happy about Obama as our acting president, or would he be disappointed that the guy is neither descended from freed slaves nor is he even truly black?

    My guess is that he’d actually go up to Obie & kick him in the fun zone for being such a disappointment to the office & the country.

  4. If Lincoln were a Washington D.C. politician today he’d probably shake his head and walk back to Illinois and kick (wrestle) the crap out of Blago’ for allowing his home state to get so screwed up.

  5. Thanks, Seanmahair. 😉

    “It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: “And this, too, shall pass away.” How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!”
    – Abraham Lincoln, 1859.

    And this, too, shall pass away.

  6. Wow Basil…thanks for this one. I did not know it was Darweenies birthday and then this! Lincoln is my favorite president in spite of the fact the income tax originated under him. In fact the trend towards strong central government happened during his time unfortunately Republicans can’t quite get everything right. That’s why we libertarians are waiting in the wings until the 10,000X increase in intelligence that Ron Kurzweil says is coming our way arrives. Mmm…who knows. I used to be a democrat. Maybe I already had my intelligence augmented 10,000X because now I am a conservative.

    Gessus seanmahair…….stop pickin on the atheists. Alot of us are conservative. We just don’t make alot of complaining noises like the liberal ones. What do you expect us to do picket like bunch of liberal loosers???? I bet ratio of conservative athiests to liberal athiests is 10:1. We’re kinda rational you know.

  7. Lincoln was obviously one of our great Presidents. He is, however getting ready to rise up out of his grave and do some serious ass kicking within his own party! He intends to call Fred Thompson to assist!

  8. Dearest Bobby,
    So sorry. While I realize there are logical, thinking, tolerant, atheists who are of a conservative bent, the ones that get the spotlight are the ones who insist since they don’t believe in anything higher than man we all must believe that way.

    It always amazes me that liberals constantly complain about conservatives walking in lock step when in reality it is the libs who march to the beat of “the one ” drummer.

    If I offended. I really didn’t mean to. I am truly repentant.

  9. Seanmahair….Bobby does not need an apology. I feel embarrassed for you because well…you are apologizing to a bucket. He’s not even a big orange 5 gallon Home Depot bucket. He hates it when I tell people this but he’s only an empty soap container from a big box store. You know the really large one where you get like 2 tons of detergent for 13 bucks? And he’s not even a round bucket. He’s kind of squarish rectangularish. That’s why he was picked as Obama’s bucket / head protector / multimedia entertainment center. A square bucket accomodates the shape of President Cubical Noggin’s head much better than a round one.

  10. Freemon, I always try to err on the side of civilized, decent behavior. Apologizing for offending someone by accident is never a mistake. Apologizing for offending someone when it’s meant is hypocrisy, so I endeavor to do that as little as possible. In todays world a civilized behavior is almost unheard of so I try to engage in it whenever I can. It really screws with people’s sense of reality.

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