Twitter Updates for 2009-04-19

  • It’s the weekend! That’s when I’m extra awesome! #
  • I think we could get more conservatives on Twitter if we just gave it a more manly name like “Jab” or “Kicker”. #
  • Racist Tea Party Sign: “Next Time Read the Bill”. Implies Obama is illiterate because he’s black. #
  • Apparently DestroyTwitter also crashes Vista 64-bit… just not as quickly as TweetDeck. #
  • Poor Joe. RT @jaketapper conservatives — @joeNBC is crying out for you to follow him …he feels alone in the twuniverse #
  • RT @damianpenny The book Obama should give Chavez. In English: #
  • Do you think Garofalo is an embodiment of the liberal id? #
  • RT @Lileks Words I love to hear: “Daddy, can you teach me about layers in Photoshop?” Why yes my child. Gather ’round. #
  • Just finally sat down to watch Tropic Thunder. Already sold with the fake trailers it starts with. #
  • I liked Tropic Thunder better the first time I saw it… when it was called The Three Amigos. #
  • I’m kidding; I liked it better this time. #
  • Well, actually, maybe the first time since I was only seven and had an unrefined sense of humor. #

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