Just point of order: So did we win in Iraq? I never seem to hear anything about it, so are we like done there? It’s an honest question.
But anyway, liberals tried to argue that Iraq was just distracting us from the real war in Afghanistan so as to appear hawkish as even they know from McGovern that you have to at least appear a little hawkish to get elected. So now their bluff has been called and of course they don’t really want to fight there either. All the Taliban did was house terrorists who killed thousands of American on our own soil; that’s hardly worth a serious effort against them. Plus, their sole understanding of military conflicts can be summed up thusly: “Vietnam was bad. This war bad, so this war Vietnam.”
This is why if we were a more serious people, we would put liberals in crates, chain the crates closed, and throw the crates into the sea so the liberals could air their grievances to the U.N. which we also threw into the sea.
What would it take to get us to seriously orchestrate a war now? Would Pearl Harbor even do it, or would we just write up a subpoena for the Japanese now?
Of course, if Obama were to seriously take on Afghanistan and secure victory, he’d be unbeatable in 2012 as long as he doesn’t completely ruin the economy. Of course, that would take leadership and not just someone who sees the presidency as a bigger platform for liberal advocacy. When he talks to West Point, I’m just not expecting anything more than a half-hearted measure from someone who just doesn’t care that much when he has big new government programs like health care to build.
And while we like to joke McCain wouldn’t have been much better, I think we can see now why Obama was an indulgence we really couldn’t afford. We have three more years of this dithering, and I don’t see are enemies getting weaker in that time. After Obama, it’s going to take a lot to rebuild respect for America’s force — like dinosaurs with rocket launchers and giant robots. You think I’m joking, but what other options can you think of?
The fault in your rationale is projecting a desire to win onto the current administration.
Don’t worry, Frank, Obama will rally the troops. Not by sending more helicopters or demonstrating the will to win against an enemy that will never cease trying to kill us, but by spending time playing the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare game. To show them he knows what it’s like.
I can think of UAV’s, AUV’s, ROV’s, and FOBS to use on the SOB’s.
Lets mess with liberals on this Afghanistan thing. Have Haliburton cut him a check that accidentally ends up leaking to the newspapers. Then lets pretend the generals only asked for 5k more troops but Obama said, “Oh hell no! Ill give 40k and a bunch of nukes cluster bombs but ill call it health care reform and charge it to medicare. After all these bombs are ill-bad when they go boom.” Also Obama lets start the rumor that Obama has built a firing range in the white house. Lastly we could use this fake video from the campaign season where Obama is made to look like he is promising to create a civilian force as large as the military.
Obama and Barney Frank are planning a new action movie based on the surge. It will be called “Rambutt.”
Sorry.I couldn’t resist.
Halliburton International is building a Large Jihadi Collider in hopes of finding the elusive Osama bin Laden jihadi.
Throwing crated liberals and the U.N. into the sea sounds like a good strategy, have you been talking to Dick Cheney again?
A suggested alternative to dinosaurs with rocket launchers and giant robots? How about an elite troop of Boy Scouts armed with paint ball guns? Granted they wouldn’t stand a chance of being successful but under the current rules of engagement neither do our armed forces so what’s the difference?
What would it take to get us to seriously orchestrate a war now? Would Pearl Harbor even do it, or would we just write up a subpoena for the Japanese now?
Well if Pearl Harbor were to happen today Obama would apologize to the Japense for Pearl Harbor being in there way of world domination, bow before there leader, and the surrender to them.
Obama acts more French than Kerry looks. He wants the world to believe that WE are surrender monkeys, but him and congress are the only ones in the ape house
No, it won’t take a lot to gain respect after Obama; remember, Iran freed the American hostages the DAY Ronald Reagan took office.
It comes down to this: the POTUS HAS the big stick. But is he willing to use it? Everyone knew that Jimmy Carter had the big stick; they also know that he was unwilling to use it.
But they KNEW Ronald Reagan would use it and Iran responded similarly. Peace through strength.
With the predatory nature and world-conquering agenda of Islam, it only respects power. Much like the dog biting your leg. Is he going to stop biting you? Nope, not until you reach for the big stick and whack him in the head will he stop. The he will stop and run away with his tail between his legs and choose to not try to bite you again. Islam is the same way. Evil is the same (of course, Islam IS evil as well.)
Under Obama, all our enemies KNOW that he is a faggot and is unwilling to use the big stick.
But the moment a conservative (my guess is Newt) gets in there, our enemies will start singing a new tune because they know that Newt would also be willing to use the big stick.
I wrote an article about this some time ago. You can find it here:
Seattle PD kill the Copkiller, Maurice Clemmons, and the Stock Market went up.
The corollary being: when the Good Guys kill the Bad Guys, it’s good for the economy.
As soon as O-bah-muhh is evicted from Office, let our Good Guys(U.S.Military) kill the Bad Guys(Jihadi Terorizts) unhindered, and an economic boom will result.
This is why if we were a more serious people, we would put liberals in crates, chain the crates closed, and throw the crates into the sea so the liberals could air their grievances to the U.N. which we also threw into the sea.
If we were even more serious, we could auction off the right to strangle each liberal and UN employee or representative of a UN-member country and use the proceeds to paydown the national debt.
Feeding on liberal might kill the sharks. I like the overall plan, but I hoped cyborg sharks with head mounted lasers would be a good way to clear up that pirate problem. Can we power wash the liberals before they go in the crates?
After Obama, it’s going to take a lot to rebuild respect for America’s force — like dinosaurs with rocket launchers and giant robots. You think I’m joking, but what other options can you think of?
I’m thinking “nuclear powered, orbital laser platforms”.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, there, Frank.
“…Victory…”? “…Win…”? “…rebuild respect for America…”?
What kind of country would THAT kind of thinking make us, hmm?
Certainly not the kind of country that Obama wants to be President of.
Once our Dear Leader (May He Live Forever) completes his term, the new POTUS is probably going to have to just pick a country like Iran or Mexico and Super Nuke them just to let the rest of the world know that we A) have not disarmed and B) are still America and are willing to try out our shiny new nukes at the drop of a hat!
Right now, I’d settle for using our bunker busters as cave landscaping tools in Afghanistan.
As for winning in Iraq, you might check out http://www.mnf-iraq.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 , and see for yourself. Shame they don’t put that on TV. Oh, well.
Frank, all the rage now with defense contractors is multi-mission platforms. It is not cost effective to have both dinosaurs with rocket launchers and giant robots. The best alternative is to have cybernetic dinosaurs that are able to mount a variety of armaments based on mission need. Rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, flame throwers, etc. This way our generals in the field can get the most flexibility for the warfighter.
#11 RightHooks you are spot on except for Newt. He gets nuttin but the razzberry from me for backing AGW and Scuzzyfavabeans. Other than that, “peace through strength” was one of Ronnie’s greatest legacies.
What would it take to get us to seriously orchestrate a war now?
The next war (actual bloody armed conflict, not just culture “war”) will be on American soil, between our deeply divided citizens/residents: Civil War v.2.0.
When the side in power — the oppressive Leftist government and its allies in the mass media and education — is trampling the rights/freedoms/wallets/businesses of us taxpaying producers to give what we worked for to those who have neither earned it nor deserved it, and dismissing any and all protestations as “racist,” it’ll eventually explode into something coast-to-coast that will make 9/11 look tame. It’s coming folks, thinking people are that fed up with BOTH Ds and Rs, as well as the socialization and political correctness of what once was this great nation.
And when the country splits in two with half of us seceding from the USSA, you can find me helping Team Cheney/Palin set up our new Conservative Utopia. After all, the shelf life of a democracy is only about 200 years, so we’re way past due for a do-over. See y’all on the flipside. 😉
In the meantime, what’s stopping us NOW from implementing Frnak’s crate strategy? Srsly. That would actually prevent Civil War v.2.0
2010 is the pivot point, Nunya. We get one shot at it. CW2 can still be avoided.
ussjc, I say we waste the older Nukes and then commission the building of shiny NEW nukes. Iran would be much prettier if it glowed in the dark.
Jimmy, not as long as ACORN, MSDNC, CNN, NYT, LYT, ABC, CBS, ETC. are still around. Might as well lay in provisions and get your logistical situation in order of CW2 while prices are still decent.
Yeah, I know, DE. I’m just trying to keep my chin up and hold on to my damn, childish, pollyanna-ish “people are basically good” mentality. It’s gonna be a luxury soon that I’ll have to set aside when CW2 happens.
We get into CW 2.0, I’m moving back to the South. I’m not defending or fighting for libtards in the pacifist north-left.
“Technically, the city of Ankh-Morpork is a Tyranny, which is not always the same thing as a monarchy, and in fact even the post of Tyrant has been somewhat redefined by the incumbent, Lord Vetinari, as the only form of democracy that works. Everyone is entitled to vote, unless disqualified by reason of age or not being Lord Vetinari.
And yet it does work. This has annoyed a number of people who feel, somehow, that it should not, and who want a monarch instead, thus replacing a man who has achieved his position by cunning, a deep understanding of the realities of the human psyche, breathtaking diplomacy, a certain prowess with the stiletto dagger, and, all agree, a mind like a finely balanced circular saw, with a man who has got there by being born.*
*A third proposition, that the city be governed by a choice of respectable members of the community who would promise not to give themselves airs or betray the public trust at every turn, was instantly the subject of music-hall jokes all over the city.”
– Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals.
I guess we just haven’t found the right Tyrant yet.