
The Boise Public Library! is a great place to study Science!.

The Boise Public Library! is a great place to study Science!.


  1. Public Library? Sounds too socialist. You should just do what the hippies do and go to barns and Noble and read all their books for free in the coffee shop without actually buying anything, and stinking everything up.

  2. Boise huh? Well isn’t that special? My son went to school there for 5 years and came back to Austin Texas. Every time we see the Longhorns play, he has to “represent” in his BSU gear. Blue football field…gimme a break. Well at least y’all beat OU!

  3. Obama Proclamation 7261: “Reading, its whats fur dinner” Owing to the turning of food farmland into ethanol and Animal products being outlawed entirely we will now all be eating books for dinner.

  4. Back in the early 90’s we had a refrendum on the balot that would keep books that covered inappropriate subjects from minors (I.E Books containing “Adult” Material). The local Democrats were against the measure stating, “That should be a parents choice on what’s appropriate for their children to read.” The Republicans agreed but stated “With out this measure, kids can go to the Boise City LIBRARY! and get their hands on any book they want.” I, being a 12 year old, decided to test this theory. It was then I learned that Republicans are generaly correct on issues, and the dirty unwashed hippies that work at the LIBRARY! don’t think too hard about what the hell they are handing to a child.

  5. and Frank, don’t miss Boise Winter Garden A-glow. It’s so cool it deserves 2 or 3 !’s but too modest to even use one.

    @MarkoMancuso: Idaho has like 15-20 parties you can register for during the primaries, and in the Idaho primary, there were two names on the ballot; I’ll let you guess who got 25% of the vote going up against McCain.

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