Coffee Party

It started as a joke.

But then, many on the left are a joke. Which explains the lack of a sense of humor.

But there is a left-wing response to the Tea Party. It’s the Coffee Party (tip: OTB). Really. Okay, maybe they do have a sense of humor. Because I’m laughing.

And, they’ve already had their first meeting:

[Direct link]

I’m thinking that Kraft Foods wouldn’t let them use the name “Kool-Aid Drinkers.”


  1. Isn’t the coffee industry plagued by issues of human trafficking and exploited workers?

    Maybe they should just put a little hammer & sickle on their coffee cups and call themselves the “Vodka Party” to better reflect their devotion to an all-powerful centralized government.

  2. How long until Starbuck’s starts sponsoring this movement?

    “[W]e must participate in the democratic process in order to address the challenges that we face as Americans” because there’s no room in democracy for dissension… Oh wait…

  3. coffee party usa
    communist party usa

    Too bad these bums are ruining the good name of coffee for their ‘progressive’ (communist) purposes.

    I like Wacky Hermit’s suggestion, and contribute ‘Crap Sandwich Party’.

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