Apparently the 2012 GOP hopefuls are all focusing on having a big online presence. I should remind them that a part of any online strategy for a Republican should be having a right-wing humor blogger completely in the tank for you. Thus it should be noted that I’m for sale, relatively cheap, and there are barely any right-wing humor bloggers more popular than me (maybe seven or eight).
Think of the help I’d be. If you bought me, I could use my wit shilling for you, like writing clever things like, “Huckabee is Hucktastic!” But if you don’t buy me off, I could use my humor against you, writing things like, “Huckabee? More like stupid Hickabee.”
I can even be bought for the Democrats. Just think of the boost for Obama if a right-wing blogger humor blogger were suddenly to become an Obama supporter saying things like, “I just can’t make fun of him. There’s nothing to make fun of; he’s too awesome. I even made an Obama ears hat to show my support.”
So anyway, just e-mail me for prices. You want me shilling for you rather than against you.
Frank !!! I though you vowed to only use your super powers for Good.
You really want an iPad don’t you?
Hmmmmmmmm??? Mr. Flemming fancies himself as humorous? I have always come here for honest, unbiased news.
[Banned. -Ed.]
So, I’m Barney Frank and I decide to “have you” over for some dinner and some “down” home fun! Now what are you gonna do funny guy?
Three pieces of silver, anyone? Shilling out for the wrong side could result in a visit from the Rumsfeld Strangler, or worse, Dick Cheney.
one dollah!! one dollah!! one dollah!!
Did I win? did I got me one of dem funny boys!
An Obama ears hat? I want one! Though I would prefer that you can make the ears wiggle, now that would be cool! Oh, excuse me, keeeeeeewl!
This is political freedom and capitalism at its finest – a true example of the American Spirit.
How could you work for democrats? Democrats don’t get jokes. Their version of comedians all just spout a bunch of jarbled words followed by the “punch lines” George Bush or Dick Cheney…then they all laugh, but really aren’t sure why.
Didn’t you basically do this for Fred Thompson for free a couple years ago?
And look who got elected!
You might want to think this through a little more, my capitalist amigo.
the in-operative word there was “free”.
Remember after Fred was out and it down too McCain and Romney and you tried to back Mitt. Your heart just was not in it. A good whore can trick you into thinking she cares that you exist. You my friend are not a good whore. But, as we are talking about an intersection of capitalism/politics/whores why not get their money and let them find out after the check has cleared…. You know like with Obama-care and the legions of people who backed it because they trusted him even though they didn’t know anything about it.