Bumblebees are on the no-fly list, but it ends up that’s just some scientific confusion.
So what do we do if the Dow plunges again? Declare war on Greece?
Looks like the stock market problem was caused by someone writing billion instead of million selling ten times as many shares as he meant.
Maybe this whole crash was cause by an input defect in the iPad. And maybe Jobs planned it that way!
The computers should have a confirmation prompt that says, “That’s like a lot. Are you sure you didn’t mean the other illion?”
My wife is a crazy, right-winger. She scares me. I think she might secretly be a Tea Partier.
Why not? We ought to make them pay for the millions of Americans who sat through an historically inaccurate movie with greased-up guys and their oily abdominal muscles.
No blood for grease!
Uh, a billion is 1000 times a million, not ten. Are you auditioning for a Wall Street job?
“So what do we do if the Dow plunges again? Declare war on Greece?”
That would be a bad idea. They’re have the problems they do because they spent money wildly on stuff, our current regime spends money wildly on stuff. We occupy them and the debt is only gonna get worst. Then there’s that movie Marko mentioned with the oiled abdominal muscles, scary stuff for sure.
“My wife is a crazy, right-winger. She scares me. I think she might secretly be a Tea Partier.”
I’m a crazy, right winger. My wife isn’t, but her political bent has decidedly changed from kinda lefty to sorta righty after years of listening to me.
So what do we do if the Dow plunges again?
IF? It’s plunging today. Call the Senate into session.
In unrelated news, the moving van left my home yesterday, and I’m on a plane today – out of California for good! Henceforth I’ll be Iowa Jim.
We better ground those bumblebees. Thet violaten the laws of Science!!
Bumblebees are better than the bumblef@&%s in congress.
Marko, don’t tempt Barney Frank.Being on the Banking Panel this crisis would get his attention. Greasy oily abdominal muscles is the kind of thing he wants to invade on. for monetary reasons only, of course. Greek style.
Anyone read Tom Clancy’s “Debt of Honor”? Makes one wonder.
Congratulations, (now) Iowa Jim, on leaving the political disaster that is California! The first thing you should do when you get to Iowa is register to vote. The second thing you should do is buy a gun. (I’m assuming Iowa has less restrictive gun laws than California.)
Congratulations, Jim, please send me a coupon for free ethanol so I can spit on it.
War on Greece? We might as well declare war on ourselves. Question: what’s the difference between Greek national borrowing versus US national borrowing? Answer: We pay a lower interest rate. That’s it.
And because we have so much money, Congress just passed a $6 bn program to insulate houses. (Note that Obama has been talking about jump starting the economy this way for years. He has the wit of a nit.)
While I’m ranting, the situmication in Greece makes it clear to a one-eyed bat that borrowing and spending simply does not work. What do liberals have against massively clear empirical evidence?
In the early 1960s, in preparation for Vietnam, I received a classical education which included several years of Greek. We learned to read and translate works like the Iliad and the Odyssey in the ancient Greek until we all despised the language and all things Greek. I do not like Greek food, epic Greek movies, and I won’t even use use Grecian formula to touch up my gray hair.
If you want to declare war on Greece I volunteer to be a hoplite or a spear chucker or whatever they were.
(By the way, the Viet Cong were NOT impressed with my command of ancient Greek.)
Welcome to Iowa Jim. You’ll like it here. We’re all very friendly and yes we have ethanol, the good kind that’s found in single malt scotch. We have the kind you put in your car too but it tastes awful. You can also buy a gun. The state legislature passed a “shall issue” law but the gov is sitting on it, not sure whether he wants to sign it.
“So what do we do if the Dow plunges again? Declare war on Greece?”
No, our great imperial leader will apologize to them.
Welcome to Iowa, Jim.
Remember to reset your clocks.
News is on at 10, we drink ‘pop’ not ‘soda’,
and that smell? Money.
The weather here is just as nice as Silicon Valley
about 2 months each year.
The 7 too cold and 3 too hot months
keep us from getting overpopulated.
RT on immigration:
2 schools of thoughts are sharing/votes or survival/safety.
Congrats on the move, Jim. Be sure to try the corn!
If I wasn’t happy about giving my tax money to wall street why in Gods name would I be happy about giving my tax money to Greece? Not that the people who are in charge of this country give a s**t about whether I’m happy or not.