Random Thoughts

No amount of actual left-wing violence will stop the whining about potential right-wing violence.

A big part of that is no take the left seriously as a physical threat. Or as anything else, for that matter.

From the Discovery Channel hostage taker’s manifesto, the guy sounds pretty crazy… almost enough to fit in at the Daily Kos.

So how do they make this guy right-wing? He hates humans… which means he hates minorities which are a subset of humans!

Kinda sounds like a manifesto one of the V would write. “Filthy human children!”

Did Obama once say something about people being punished with disgusting human babies?

The solution is that people shouldn’t have like extreme views and stuff.

So did the left learn their lesson now or are they still claiming Stack was a right-winger?

No reason to blame Lee on left; the despicable morons who tried to blame previous crazy people on the right just need to apologize.

Trying to get people to shut up by saying their views could lead to violence is antithetical to the idea of free speech.

The left who try to shut up people by dismissing them as racist or saying they’re violent hate free speech.

I guess its possible that all the nonsense talk about the right being violent could make the left more crazy and violent.

It just seems like we should be able to discuss taxes and the role of government without worry about what crazy people will do.

I’ll tell you now what crazy people will do: Crazy things!

Anyway, expect the left to get crazier and more desperate as November approaches. Possibly violent!

All of society agrees that software agreements are just theater and no one actually reads them, right?

It just occurred to me it’s someone’s job to write those software agreements. Guessing high suicide rate for that occupation.

18 months paid paternity leave in Sweden? What the what? I’d like a week off when our kids is born, but how could I take 18 months off and not feel like a complete bum? Also, if your company can do without you for 18 months, you must not do anything very important in the first place.

I’m pretty sure most of Europe now only exists because America is around to do everything useful.


  1. I am pretty sure Mr. Lee was also against the “Nuke the Moon” initiative unless we were prepared to send all the dirty human babies there before we blow it up.

    Regarding software agreements, one publisher tested your hypothesis by inserting an offer into the body of the license offering a nice cash prize, $5,000 as I recall, to the first person that actually read the agreement and contacted the publisher. The prize went unclaimed for 18 months until some very bored person bothered to notice. He may be $5,000 richer, but he stilll needs to get a life.

  2. Ah now Frank J, “right wing violence” is expected by liberals because it fits the cozy narrative they built for themselves. As you know, they actually believe they are free thinkers using reasoning and have a monopoly on it. The narrative should have been shattered by two names Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan. Alas, who are the bitter clingers?

  3. I had an awakening after ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, my wife waking me up, after sleeping through the whole thing,thank God.
    New movie to come out: ‘An Inconvenient Truth: The Awakening’ starring ManBearPig, and his Eco-Zombie Minion.
    The difference between the ‘Religion Of Peace’, and the ‘Religion of Moonbat Eco-terrorism’: Not much.

  4. Love, Peace, hold a bunch of folks hostage for a liberal dream. all in a days work.

    Gotta wonder what his Democrat Underground screen name was,

    I don’t understand his panic. He’ll get his population reduction with Obamacare.

  5. All of society agrees that software agreements are just theater and no one actually reads them, right?

    I call it, “Do the EULA hula!” But it’s bad, very bad theater, indeed.

    My pseudo-random thought of the moment is: I’m not sure if it’s good or bad when I have to read two separate news articles to understand Frank’s random thoughts. On the one hand, I am better informed of idiotic things the left is doing, but on the other other hand, I am better informed of idiotic things the left is doing.

  6. “No amount of actual left-wing violence will stop the whining about potential right-wing violence.”

    Well, of course the left resorts to violence. How can a lib be expected to conduct an intelligent debate when they’d have to try to make the case for fascism and communism.

  7. I’m pretty sure most of Europe now only exists because America is around to do everything useful.

    For a limited time. They’re really not going to like what they’ve done to themselves when that changes.

  8. A marvelous write up


    Shiggz RT:

    -Advice for young men out looking for mates, your journey will start out like “Old Man in the Sea” and then suddenly you will find yourself in the later chapters of “Pinnochio.”

    -Rednecks are like if hobbits loved guns and hunted instead of farmed.

    -Rule of life 2174: Lawyers make great Candidates and Legislators but terrible awful leaders.

    -I tend to see American Jews in two main groups, the oft maligned Orthodox Jews as “Peter” and the leftist Jews as “Judas.” That the American left has turned so viciously against Israel does not seem to have bothered the Judas’s enough to speak up or even to leave their wealthy “employ and status” within the new Roman Empire.

  9. Mr. Lee sounds like a guy who was driven crazy with envy because he couldn’t get a date, and so ended up hating all ‘breeders’.

    Today they removed the cap from the busted BP pipe, and immediately another oil platform in the gulf explodes!
    Was something Eeeeeevil trapped in the pipe?
    (Sounds like the plot of a SyFy channel monster movie.)

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