Ok, I get that Palin’s “party like it’s 1773” remark was a reference to the Boston Tea Party.
And I get that Kos and Ifill were dumb to make fun of it.
But I don’t get WHY they made fun of it.
What year did they think she should’ve said instead?
Ok, I get that Palin’s “party like it’s 1773” remark was a reference to the Boston Tea Party.
And I get that Kos and Ifill were dumb to make fun of it.
But I don’t get WHY they made fun of it.
What year did they think she should’ve said instead?
They almost certainly thought that the whole revolution happened in 1776.
1776, because with their lack of historical knowledge that’s the only famous year they know and so they just assumed Sarah Palin meant to say that.
After all, nothing important happened in any other year. /s
They had no idea either! They just took something Palin said, and tried to make themselves seem smart by calling her an idiot. However, this is something their followers wouldn’t think about because they are just as brain dead.
They think she should have said a year they could understand something cool about without having to google it. Like 2008.
Don’t you get it? To a liberal with a public education, everything before FDR happened in 1776. Everything else is a temporal wasteland.
1 AD –> 1775: Nothing
1776 –> Buncha old white guys got together for some reason and we have to act like we’re proud of it otherwise we look unpatriotic to the neocons, or something
1777 –> 1932: Nothing
1933 –> present: Big Profit!
Ifill was thinking April 4, 1968 because she thinks Palin is a knuckle dragging racist and Kos was thinking October 12, 1998 because he thinks Palin is a knuckle dragging homophobe. Their minds only work one way. It’s not that hard to get.
Party like it’s 1999? Prince fans, mebbe?
I think what happened is that just one doofus immediately twittered that “nothing happening in 1773 dumbass palin” and they all ran with it, not knowing that it was actually a great bit of advice from her with valid historical references. So going forward no one else bothered to verify if this assessment was correct or not. Stupid libs ha ha
Well, I’m guessing, really, if they thought anything at all, they expected “17” to be finished with “76.” But that’s all the credit I’m willing to give them.
I’m guessing they were hoping for 1984.
1066 – Battle of Hastings.
1898, 1 March The Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) held its first Party Congress.
2008 The Really Stupid Democrat..ic Layabout Party (RSDLP) steals the election.
If they thought of anything I figure they were thinking of 1969.
Most of them think that was the partiest year ever.
But I think jimbo nailed it.
Everyone reading it had the same question. The real answer is that there IS no answer. They didn’t have anything on their minds except, “1773?? It’s not 1773!!! ZOMG IT MUST BE A MISTAKE! BURN THE WITCH!” With the left it is only necessary to throw out an implication; the little people will run with it whether there’s anything there or not.
Problem is the twitter people picked up on it immediately and openly schooled them, grabbed screenshots and went public.
Did you hear that the astro-turf Stewart/Colbert show that’s meant to mock and scorn the Tea Party rallies in DC (the one Huffington is bussing countless people to and Oprah’s bussing her whole audience in for – big rich corporate donors!) had one of the two idiots saying that doing this is going to be tantamount to waving a red flag in front of a bull (we’re the bull) because they’re going to insult us so bad with their totally awesome and edgy comedy stylings? Yeah, um, guys? We don’t care. You’ve been exposed to all of us for what you are and while you’re on your buses we’re sitting back laughing and quietly judging you. And all your congress are belong to us. Have fun!
It’s just so weird.
If someone tells a joke, and I don’t get the punchline, I Google it until I can figure out what I missed.
Punch in 1773, and Boston Tea Party is the second link.
All lefty-hatred aside, I honestly can’t fathom not getting a joke, then assuming the problem is that the professional public speaker who spent days preparing a speech committed an act of gross negligence that I – an off-the-street layman – immediately and effortlessly caught.
Even if it came out of Joe Biden’s mouth, I wouldn’t throw myself onto the sword of my own hubris like that.
Anniee – don’t forget, they’re also short on porta-potties because the Marines rented them all:
Whatever those lefty jackasses are full of, they’re going to have to stay full of it.
#15 – Harvey,
Remember, these Are lefty jackasses… I hope the Washington Mall reflecting pool has a Really good filtration system. I’m just saying…
Perhaps they thought she meant 1776, which was basically(and arguably) the start of the American Revolution(when the Declaration was signed). To be honest, that would be a good year to party, too.
History and stuff is hard and there is little time for teaching of it now. We have cup stacking, self worth, hug a tree, evolution, democrat good-republican bad etc. There just isn’t enough time in the day for History and stuff! Of course if we increased funding for our schools, that would like totally fix everything, dude!
Probably 1967 – the summer of love, dude!
I think they meant 2012-the end of the Mayan calendar, and, of course, the end of the world as we know it(and I feel fine).
Liberals assuming something for the purpose of advancing their “cause” – whatever it may be? It can’t be!
What year did they think she should have said?
Well, like any good Leninite/Trotskyite Commie would tell you , 1917!!!
Party On, Komrades!!!
I can’t believe nobody has pointed this out yet, but they clearly thought she meant 1337 and accidentally put 1773.
“L-T-T-E. How would you even pronounce that? That Palin is sure an idiot; everyone knows it’s L-E-E-T. Ha ha, we are teh 1337 and Palin is teh suxor!”
Although, they probably had worse grammar and it probably took them twenty minutes to formulate that thought.
Great link Harvey! Gotta love leftists, they are expecting 60K people at a rally where they are paying people to attend in a city full of handouts and parasites, one would think they could easily get a couple of hundred thousand. Glen Beck got 300K just by mentioning something.
So if nothing happened between 1776 and 1932, why am I paying taxes on a war fought in 1810? Oh yeah, commies never met a tax they didn’t like.
Sorry, but I can not picture George Washington dancing on the docks of boston with a feather on his head and a tankard of ale singing Party! Party! Partaaay! …. Partay!
They don’t believe there ever was a 1773, because all of America’s history was just made up by Booosh, and the world started the day they were born.
I’m pretty sure at NPR they thought she meant 711 AD
Harvey, their Smirt, and she’s stupit. Anything she says therefore MUST be ignorant and wrong, so even if she says the sky is blue, they’d be having a tither-fit over how obviously dumb she is.
Hey, maybe if she made a comment about how important it is for them to keep breathing…
OK, I did some checking:
Boston tea party, December 16, 1773, check.
Battle of Concord, (the shot heard ’round the world) April 19, 1775, check.
Declaration of Independence adopted, July 4, 1776, check.
(actually signed August 2, 1776 – I did not know that!)
Cornwallis surrenders to George Washington at Yorktown, October 19, 1781, check.
Treaty of Paris signed, November 30, 1782, official end of the War of Independence, check.
That’s nearly 9 years people!
A good revolution takes time.
(Keep your powder dry. I’m just saying…)
1917. Every liberal’s dream.
1976 because if you ask the average junior in high school they’ll tell you, that was when George Washington wrote the constitution in Paris after he married Ben Franklin.
Coaches as history teachers, which is why many who would have gone into education to teach history are working in the private sector, mostly underemployed. Keep up the good work school boards. You’ll be able to keep the NEA/Progressive agenda in force a long, long time.
Bitter………. me? Surely you jest.