Joe Biden: He Knows Cool

So, Joe Biden told a bunch of 3rd graders that “Obama is really cool“.

Problem is, Obama’s a smoker.

Now everyone knows – as Frank & I once discussed in a podcast [at the 11:37 mark] – that smoking is cool. But it’s just not good for kids.

Know what else is cool?

* Sparkly vampires

* Lower back tattoos

* Pants on the ground

* Genital piercings

* Che Guevera


Know which ones are good for you?

None of them.

Until either the moon gets nuked or dinosaurs come equipped with rocket launchers.

Then you can get your genitals pierced.


  1. Harvey, If I have to wait for moon nuking or dinosaurs with rocket launchers before piercing my genitals (OMG no!), what has to happen before IMAO is good for me?


    * UssJimmyCarter gets a tatoo on his buttocks.
    * Damncat becomes a dog lover.
    * Son of Bob is wrong – just one time!
    * MarkoMancuso joins the Russian Navy.
    * You start writing Newsish Fakery again. (Please? Big fan here.)

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