There’s a lot of competition for coolest gift for Buttercup, but author Mike Z. Williamson’s wife Gail (who also does combat photography) made this Nuke the Moon™ afghan for Buttercup:
Now Buttercup can go to sleep every night dreaming of world peace.
Also, I should mention Mike Z. Williamson is going to be a part of Operation Fight the Post Holiday Blues to help keep up troop morale after the holidays. They still need to raise more money, though, so donate if you can.
And as a bonus, here’s a picture of Buttercup thinking about the moon being nuked:
Oh, I am jealous of Buttercup. I so want a “Nuke the Moon” blanket!
Slap IMAOon the blanket and I think you’ve found something new to sell on the website… good thing buttercup looks like her momma.
She is so CUTE!!!!!!!! and the blanket is awesome!
That image on the blanket looks a lot like a mushroom I once ate. Don’t remember much after that.
Gail can do more, but there’s about 40 hours work in one.
Awesome blankie! 😀
Frank, Buttercup looks ALOT like you.
Congratulations again. She’s adorable in spite of you. 🙂
– QueenReader, formerly LearntoDrawaLine this is the middle of the project, with ten skeins of yarn going at once. this is a closeup of the final thing.
Wow, way cool, Gail!
Buttercup is either happy with nuking the moon on the blanket – or – she’s staring at a one-eyed milk source. Or possibly both.
Maybe within Buttercup’s lifetime we can have a realistic dream of nuking Mars as well. Perhaps right by the sight on Mars where Sheila Jackson Lee thinks Armstrong planted the American flag.
Yeah, what a cute baby. Let us all praise the cute baby and her new toy.
Blah, blah, blah.
I’m not jealous. Not by a damned sight.
Marko – Besides the “Nuke The Moon T-Shirt™,” the “Nuke The Moon Blanket™” is just another thing you can’t have!
Hold on. Do I hear a “waaaaaaa??”
Buttercup has a Nuke The Moon blankiie? I’d be so jealous if she didn’t look so darn cute on it. Hey, if somebody gonna have a Nuke The Moon blankie, it should be Buttercup.
In the spirit of our nefarious communist enemies of the past, I declare you to be a “useful idiot”
of the Westfor Frnak J. Your oft-noted love for Irish culture and thus potatoes also makes it clear why you hold such a loyalty for a man like Frnak J.; a man of the foul state between Montana and Washington. I will not speak the name of that land.I may not own a Nuke the Moon t-shirt, but I do hold onto the last shreds of my dignity as a free man!
Proud Infidel,
Such “reasoning” is a dangerous and contagious disease, much like Obama. As a matter of fact, such “logic” led directly to the election of Obama. A wise man once said, “When totalitarianism comes to America, it will march under the banner of a cute little plaything, muttering sweet nothings and chewing on everyday objects.”
I have to admit, that blanket makes even my gift of a dead mouse look somewhat lame.
Marko, you forgot to put that little “™” thingy in there. Get with the program. “Nuke The Moon™” is a trademark of Frank J.™ and IMAO™. And you can’t have one!™
Now, I happen to know that Frank is half-Irish and lives in the biggest potato-producing state in the country. Besides making him “conflicted,” apparently this makes him suspect under your typically eastern, German- and Slovak-dominated, anti-Irish Transylvanian™ logic. But what you must know, some of us are working on Frank’s illogical, lower-than-low, anti-Irish pronouncements. You simply must wish us… The Luck Of The Irish.™
It ain’t really combat without live ammo.
Marko, as usual, your logic is flawless. I really like the “cause and effect” way of explaining it. Little did I know, that even though I didn’t vote for him, and tried to warn all I could that evil was riding in dressed as hip n’ cool n’ hope n’ change, nevertheless am a poster child for the very attitudes that led to Teh Won and his clown car posse, er, I mean, “administration.” If anybody else gets a “Nuke The Moon” blankie, I hope you get it. Frank owes you.
But she does look damn cute on that Lunar Mushroom Cloud blankie. Awwww…
Beautiful baby.
Beautiful blanket.
From your hooks to God’s ears.
That ribbon on her head looks a bit like a mushroom cloud too,
is that intentional?
That is some incredible work. Sarah K’s baby deserves that.
Frank, I noticed that Buttercup has a bit of a red forehead. I’m hoping this is from head butting daddy! Good girl Buttercup!
Buttercup = Prime, Grade A Link/Comment Bait
I like her forehead birthmark. I had one of those myself.
Best. Blankie. Evah.
Frnack, as a successful father I have two, and only two things to say.
1. Really cool blanket and the Williamson family is teh awesome for creating and giving Buttercup such a cool wonderful gift.
2. I have seen that look in Buttercup’s eyes in my own children. You are in SO much trouble. Prepare to turn grey. Pure happy mischeif in those euyes.
I was a little concerned with that top photo on the Nuke the Moon afghan, which is incredibly awesome btw.
I thought for a minute that the reality Buttercup was really hoping for was a second hand because she appears to be missing one in that photo. Did Buttercup mess with Texas?
Yeah, about that forehead… did she steal that design from one of those Star Trek Next Generation “we used up the make-up budget, so just fiddle with the alien’s forehead” aliens?
Anyway, awesome afghan.
I am so late in replying to this. Jeez that’s an adorable pic of Buttercup! And I love the nuke quilt. Now don’t go all full spoil mode on Buttercup. Once in a while. Remember, she’s too young to remember all this. Hope you 3 had a wonderful vacation!
She got the birthmark from her mom.