Other Phrases FOX News Avoids

So some people are trying to point out that FOX News is biased because they had a memo saying not to use the phrase “public option” and instead say “government option”. This is just another why FOX News is useful because the phrase “public option” is pure liberal messaging — liberal messaging being trying to obscure whatever it is they’re talking about — while “government option” makes sure people know quite accurately that they’re talking about a government run health care plan. So the real story is FOX News was the only one not buying into left-wing, government propaganda and making sure that people accurately know what is going on… again.

And if you watch carefully, there are some other phrases FOX News avoids and instead uses more accurate terms:


Instead of “undocumented immigrants” they say “Mexican invaders”.

Instead of “gun control” they say “laws based on hatred of freedom”.

Instead of “pro-choice” they say “lovers of dead babies”.

Instead of “progressives” they say “feces-covered neo-hippies”.

Instead of “international community” they say “foreign weirdos”.

Instead of “Palestine” they say “terrorists contiguous to Israel”.

Instead of “liberal online activists” they say “weird smelling, America-hating basement dwellers”.

Instead of “President Obama” they say “Kenyan born socialist known as Hussein”.


  1. Instead of “Democrats favoring comprehensive immigration reform” they say “anti-law enforcement Democrats”.
    Instead of “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” they say “Cthulhu”.
    Instaad of “Film maker Michael Moore” they say “Stinky tub ‘o rancid lard”.

  2. Instead of Rush Limbaugh they say “a little ball of fuzz”
    Instead of Sarah Palin they say “A Christmas Nutcracker”
    Instead of Tim Geitner they say “His weener was too small to pass the stones”
    Instead of Big Sis they say Big Ghey!
    Instead of Tax Increases they say “It’s time for some Democrat smoting”
    Instead of Iran they say “Future endless world supply of glass”

  3. – Instead of “The Huffington Post” they say “Pravda”
    – Instead of “Keith Olberman” they say “Spittle-spewing veins-on-head-bulging nearly-having-a-coronary toupee-wearing misogynist deranged-sociopath”
    – Instead of “Chris Matthews” they just laugh.
    – Instead of “Julian Assange” they say “Target”
    – Instead of “Overseas Contingency Operation” they say “War to Kill Terrorists and Other People We Don’t Like”
    – Instead of “Presidential Policies” they say “Things Only a Mental Patient Could Dream Up.”

  4. Glad I was done with my coffee there.

    Instead of “Bill Clinton” they say “The ejaculator president.”
    Instead of “Harry Reid” they say “corrupt doddering old fool.”
    Instead of “Quantitative Easing” they say “shoving it up our ass-ets.”
    Instead of “Frenchmen” they say “slimy cheese-drooling cowards.”
    Instead of “European Union” they say “the continent overrun with Islamo-Fascists.”
    Instead of “ending DADT” they say “allowing butt-f*ckers in the millitary.”

  5. Instead of Henry Waxman they say “the Nostrils of Witchhunt”
    Instead of Harry Reid they say “the smeller”
    Instead of Nancy Pelosi they say “Marie Antoinette”
    Instead of Claire McCaskill they say “pitchforkia”
    Instead of Katie Couric they say “Effete Liberal Snob”
    Instead of Joe Biden they say “Gafforama”

  6. Instead of saying “showing displeasure with a failed policy” they say “wee-weed up”.
    Instead of saying “the 50 States of the Union” they say “the 57 States of the Union”.
    Instead of saying “House Democrats questions the tax compromise” they say “racist racists act like racists”.
    Instead of saying “First Lady Michelle Obama” they….thow up in their mouth a little.

  7. Instead of saying President Barack Obama they say “Bucket wearing numbskull”.

    Instead of saying Michelle Obama they say “Kar-plok, queen of Klingon”.\

    Instead of Wikileaks they say “KGBleaks”.

    Instead of saying Nancy Pelosi they say ” Mrs. Skeltor”.

    Instead of saying raising taxes on the rich they say “Mrs. Skeltor’s pension fund”.

  8. Instead of “tenured college professor” they say “whiny little socialist who can’t get a real job in the private sector”
    Instead of “U.S. Military”, they say “Totally AWESOME and INCREDIBLE BAD-ASS BUTT-KICKERS!! BOOOYAAA!!!”
    Instead of “Jimmy Carter,” they say “ineffectual 4-year waste of time”

  9. instead of “Congressional democrats”, say “George Soros”
    instead of “President Barak Obama”, say “George Soros”
    “Progressive caucus” = “George Soros”
    “Huffington Post” = “George Soros”
    “Left wing blogosphere” = “George Soros”
    etc etc

  10. Pingback: and now for something completely different from frank J of IMAO «

  11. Instead of “militant” they say “terrorist”
    Instead of “freedom fighter indistinguishable from George Washington” they say “terrorist”
    Instead of “justifiable aggrieved soldier who blew up a crowded market place” they say “terrorist”
    Instead of “free thinker who sees past superficial differences to recognize America is no different from Al Qaida” they say “retard”

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