There’s No Crying in Conservatism

I’m sorry I feel the need to say this, but I am against men crying.

Now we’re going to have a new Speaker of the House who loves weeping uncontrollably. And then there’s Glenn Beck who can’t tell us some new fact about the Founding Fathers he just read off of Wikipedia without breaking down crying. Interestingly, I can’t think of an example of a liberal who cries all of the time; I’m guessing because they’re well aware of the sissy label and knows we’d make fun of them mercilessly if they did it. And we would.

“But you shouldn’t be afraid to share your emotions!” I hear someone to say, to which I respond, “Quiet, woman!” Emotions are a breakdown of your ability to remain rational. It’s not something to share, especially not with strangers. And crying is where emotions take over your face and causes your eyes to leak. It’s weird and causes everyone around you to be uncomfortable. You want to avoid it when possible and definitely not share it. First off, men should not be having lots of emotions. But if they do have emotions and you feel them taking over your face, stop them. Maybe punch something. If you can’t stop them and your face start leaking, excuse yourself. Don’t let others see that.

If you want to be a conservative, you can’t be an emotional tub of goo drenched in your own tears. I thought that was pretty basic, but I guess it needs to be said. Crying is not part of being awesome.


  1. Disagree, Frank. We conservatives need to cry more. We need to cry and rant about our military’s harsh and unfair restrictions on women, homosexuals, and felons. We’re already getting started on that.

    We also need to cry about the dictionary. The dictionary’s defintion of “unfair” is so unfair, don’t you think?

  2. G.W. Bush was a self professed crier, and I seem to recall that Bill Clinton could eke a tear out on occasion.

    Mebbe it’s not the crying per se that’s a prob. Mebbe it’s what they’re crying about — all this mushiness over founding fathers and American dreams. They should cry when liberals try to take our money away. Perhaps a good bit of group sobbing would do, and when our military are not properly supported, the Republican congress members could tear their clothes, sit in ashes and cry like wee little babies.

  3. I heartily disagree – I think the more we think about our near collision with disaster, the more we will cry over how close this nation came to LOSING our Republic because of the neglect and apathy of millions of voters over years of oblivious a-musement… with everyone sitting in front of the boob-tube running to vote on who should be voted off survivor island or off the singing stage while sitting on our collective duffs on November 2nds until we nearly turned into Europe/USSR.

    We ought to ALL be crying from shame and repentance for not caring to more carefully choose men of integrity who would faithfully protect our Constitution and it’s principles. We should be on our KNEES praying to God to open our eyes and throwing ourselves over our families and neighbors asking for God’s hand to protect us from the evil and calamity we clearly asked to fall upon us through our carelessness.

    I’m shocked MORE of our legislators AREN’T weeping.

  4. Burmashave – “Mebbe it’s not the crying per se that’s a prob. Mebbe it’s what they’re crying about…”

    I sort of agree. I have no problem with men crying about certain things. I’ll bet R. Lee Ermy gets choked up sometimes when he talks about the Marine Corps. I expect Chuck Norris gets a little misty eyed when he talks about his beloved Texas. And Fred Thompson…OK, bad example.

    Anyway, that sort of crying is OK in my book. However, I disagree that they should “…cry when liberals try to take our money away.” This is exactly when they shouldn’t cry. Crying is for things you love. Asskicking is for things you hate.

  5. Jimmy,

    Will you brood…..if I eat your food?

    Will King Arthur be depressed….if the peasant’s repressed?

    Will you hear….me spit out Natural Lite beer?

    Will you kill….if Obama takes your last dollar bill?

  6. The only reason to cry is if you are punched in the face like a hippie. Then when your done, straighten your skirt and go home.

    How is bohenner going to handle a screeching harpy like piglousy if he keeps bawling like a hippie who broke his bong?

    It should be a prerequisite for all good American conservative legislators and republicans to be punched by Fred Thompson and Chuck Norris to see if they cry before being allowed to hold office. ( If we had democrats be punched, the mass grave would smell too much like hippie).

  7. Boehner crying on election night is okay, that was a big deal. I’ll give any man one pass when something life-altering happens like that, be it good or bad. But blubbering in front of Leslie Stahl was a bit over the top. Maybe we need a real man to be Speaker, like Michelle Bachmann.

    That being said, I shed many a tear every Christmas when I watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”, that one just gets me.

  8. I was thinking along these lines last night, The left has really hard time using the media to destroy boring people doing boring sounding jobs so they are very important strategically to conservatisms future.

    More interesting people involved in the big games, like Newt in 94, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Clarence Thomas, Cheney, Bush, etc… Easily targeted and mocked from cnn-daily show-simpsons-pixar. But the leftist media can only shoehorn in so many talking points and character defamation when they are really boring. Tedious, false, petty, hypocritical etc.. they have no real restraint based on those factors… only boring saps their power.

    Boehner,McConnel, Cavuto, etc.. etc.. guys who do accomplish a lot of Yeoman work for the overall cause but dont personally or their jobs make good cartoon-able targets.

    Boehner in senate oversight etc.. boring procedural stuff that accumulated matters a lot but individually cant be turned into a daily show topic/target.

  9. -side note, speaking of the media

    What the crap is the right doing letting CNN hold the first republican debate. Did you not learn a @#$@% thing from 2008? Did I need to splice together the questions of the talking snow man asking questions about guns and bibles?

    Fox news should start calling themselves right wing news and start holding all the republican debates there.

  10. “If you want to be a conservative, you can’t be an emotional tub of goo drenched in your own tears.”

    Couldn’t disagree more. No less a conservative, and a supremely rational man, than President Lincoln was what you call a “tub of goo.”

    O.H. Browning in his diary after visiting Lincoln in the White House: “He looked very sad. We parted I believe both of us with tears in our eyes.”

    Journalist Charles Coffin observed the President outside in DC, “his chest heaving with emotion” and “again the tears rolled down his cheeks.”

    So clearly crying is part of being awesome, since Awesome Abe was one of the best people ever, and a vampire hunter to boot.

  11. “If you want to be a conservative, you can’t be an emotional tub of goo drenched in your own tears.”

    Couldn’t disagree more. No less a conservative, and a supremely rational man, than President Lincoln was what you call a “tub of goo.”

    O.H. Browning in his diary after visiting Lincoln in the White House: “He looked very sad. We parted I believe both of us with tears in our eyes.”

    Journalist Charles Coffin observed the President outside in DC, “his chest heaving with emotion” and “again the tears rolled down his cheeks.”

    So clearly you can sob uncontrollably and still be awesome since Awesome Abe was one of the best people ever, and a vampire hunter to boot.

  12. I guess I could sum up my strategy with a sports metaphor from the 90’s Bulls, Let the other side obsess over shutting down Jordan and Pippen. Get yourself a bunch of Horace Grants underneath racking up the rebounds and the 2 point layups and the scoreboard will be like the wind at your back.

  13. Sorry alot on my mind…


    All of this crying about repealing Obamacare and shrinking government which history shows will almost certainly never happen. Lets take the reigns of reality start talking “reform and federalize.” The lefts leaders understand you get the crowbar in then boil the frog approach is how you get things done with a skittish populace and vocal opponent. Keep your unpopular stuff under the radar!

    Women understand this type of fighting. Men only fight full frontal attack out of a sense of honor. This is a guerrilla/psychological war like Vietnam where you can lose by winning.

  14. I say men are allowed to cry when a family member or close friend dies, or when they get hit in the nuts. And even then, there should be an attempt to keep blubering to a minimum.

    Tearing up over strong emotions is one thing; crying like a baby is something completely different.

  15. In re: Boehner, agree with Nate– crying on election night was okay, but he’d better man up now and save the tears for things that matter.

    Glenn is a different story. i get the sense that’s he’s both wound too tight and strung together with bailing wire. He’s a recovering alcoholic, so he gets slack from me on that score. Plus, he’s a tv/radio host, not the speaker of the house.

    I don’t cry anymore. Gives me a sinus headache. Plus, I’m old and mean.

  16. Boehner only seems to cry whenever he mentions that he used to be a janitor when he was working his way through college. I’ve seen things in public restrooms that would make me want to cry if I was the poor slub that had to clean them up – Maybe Boehner suffers from PTJD, Post Traumatic Janitorial Disorder.

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