Not Good Days for Dictators in the Middle East

So first a dictator in Egypt falls, and now people are finally getting fed up with that loony toon in Libya — Gadafi, Q-Daffy… something like that. And its spreading, and I assume it will move even faster as more dictators crumble. There is a lot to be angry at in the Middle East — dictators, oppression, horrid living conditions — and there is also a lot of anger there… just not directed at anything useful. But look what happens when people start to say, “Hey, instead of being angry at America and the Jews, let’s be angry at things directly affecting us like our sucky governments.” Boom! Revolution! Probably a lesson for the left here at home too: Try being angry at actual things instead of made up crazy things.

Of course, what if the Middle East finally advances, but still want to destroy America and kill the Jews? Part of what keeps Israel safe is all the people around them who want to kill them are all backwards dictatorships. It’s like the Nazis came back, but with only caveman level technology. Still, maybe the Middle East will calm down as it advances. It’s like why we don’t have supervillians in real life and real criminals are mainly just dumb thugs: If you’re a genius, you have a lot of better, more productive things to do than be a criminal. And maybe when the Middle East finally advances, they’ll find better things to do than obsess over the Jews.

But I’d keep an eye on them.


  1. And maybe when the Middle East finally advances, they’ll find better things to do than obsess over the Jews.

    Advancing to something or advancing from something? Because if they’re advancing from Islam, they might have a shot.

  2. Scientists! seem to always be spoting off about “evolution”. Every time I hear it, I think about efrica and the middle east and wonder. Hmm if evolution is happening, how are these places explained? Surely 2-bit dictators are not that powerful.

  3. On the positive side, dictatorships — like war — never go out of style. I’ll believe in democracy among Egypt, Libya, etc. after it’s been around for a while.

    On the negative side, the new boss may be worse than the old boss. Spoiler Alert: taking dictatorial power is easiest done by uniting against a perceived enemy while portraying the previous nut as soft on said enemy.

    Here’s the prob with a transition to democracy. Some groups, such as the military, already have power. These groups need to say, “Yay, let’s have less power and give it to someone we’ve never trusted.” Then, other groups that don’t have power — let’s hypothetically call such a group The Muslim Brotherhood — have to say, “Yay, we’ve been trying to get absolute power since 1938, but now we’d like to share it with groups we despise.”

    Without a Washington or a stabilizing force, such as the US, democracy runs against the odds. I play the odds.

  4. The Middle East and North Efrica (Good one, plentyobailouts) just proceed from one dicktatorship to another. Islam requires it. Strongest Islamic dicktator wins the Caliphate. “There can only be One.”—The Kurgan

  5. “Probably a lesson for the left here at home too: Try being angry at actual things instead of made up crazy things.”

    Crazy people are angry at crazy things:

    Democrats raise taxes massively? No problem.
    Democrats destroy the economy? No problem.
    Democrats destroy the housing market? No problem.
    Democrats destroy the school system and universities? No problem.
    Democrats tell you what you can and cannot do right down to what food you can eat? No problem.
    Some company named Halliburton wins a no-compete bid from the government to do work overseas that no one else wants to do? Anger.

  6. what I wonder is how on Earth ANYONE managed to overthrow their government without the American military. Everyone knows the only way to bring democracy is through the barrel of a gun. A gun held by an American, that too.

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