Someone commented this on a recent post and it kind of stung:
You already used the “smashing a kid’s toy” analogy about repealing Obamacare. More originality, please.
Yes, when I wrote it I knew I was repeating myself, but I just didn’t have any time to come up with a new analogy and it seemed apropos. Still, I’m a bit sensitive on my posting quality because I can’t really put the time time into blog posting on IMAO that I’d like to. With a full time job and now daddy duties, I really can’t devote more than an hour in the morning to blogging, so I try to do the best with that I can. That’s why I like doing the occasional longer piece for Pajamas Media, because when I get paid directly for a piece it’s a lot easier to justify devoting more time to it — though lately I’ve had trouble even finding time for that. Plus, a passion of mine even before becoming a blogger was to be a novelist, and I’m working to finally get one done and submit it (if some of you read Superego when I did that piece by piece on this blog, I’ve been reworking that into a full novel — there’s only a few sentence left from the original). So, any free writing time I can find, I really want to devote to that.
Anyway, all I’m saying is it’s hard, but I still do my best to blog every day. It’s not always up to my quality standards, but hey, it’s free and it’s there. And I hope to keep doing this until I repeat myself not out of laziness, but senility.
Considering how much the car/ditch = economy analogy has been repeated by the highest levels of government, complaining about one repeat seems a bit petty.
Hey-oh, Frank J. I consider each one of your posts a bonus for the same reasons you cite. I’ve been amazed at how much humorous material you come up with while working for the man and managing baby duty. So you get a check-plus-plus in my book (purple Sharpie only).
Besides, let us consider the folks who post here. I’d be the first to admit to using the same tired old themes. Upon reflection, I’m sure that others would admit to the same. That is, they’d admit that I use the same tired old themes, and just to prove that I will boldly go where I have gone before:
Aqua Buddha
FrankJ, calm down. Those that have been with you from day one know whats up.
First it was just you, then Harvey, space monkey, that jooo guy, the illegal mexican…
Then SarahK. Now Princess Buttercup (BTW, a real cutie)
Come on man, give yourself a break.
Random Thoughts and and article or two will suffice us IMOA (nuke the moon) devoted.
No offense to the jooo or the mexican… but they do not contribute any more so…
No need for any ‘splainin there Frank, but it is good to not see an apology. The only thing we should ask of you is the chance to say thank you and wish you all the best. Bless your whole lovely family and thanks to all for sharing what you can with us.
We’re all just greedy and want more Frank J. !!
(Pawing and pulling on his shirt from all directions…)
But, Frank, just imagine how busy your life will be when you enter politics. You ARE going into politics, aren’t you? Frank? Has anyone seen Frank?
Maybe you should send that poster to the moon before you nuke it.
“Smashing a kid’s toy” was funny the first time I read it and is just as funny the second time I read it and it will be the third time, etc. It is, “classic funny”! It is funny to everyone out there (except for maybe the kid). Granted, you have to have a pretty sick mind to laugh at it (and an even sicker mind to have written it!).
But even so, even “the kid” will one day see the humor in the crushing of an innocent spirit and the creating of a maladjusted psyhe or my name isn’t Barack Obama.
Life is a series of adjustments. FrankJ has to adjust – we – have to adjust. It’s just that life won’t be quite as funny as it use to be. Oh, it will still be funny, just not ‘as’ funny.
I’ve heard that somewhere before…
Is it harder than Presidenting?
This is a blog?!??
Sumbitch. Got me again.
On the bright side, ROn PaUL!!! looks like he’s throwing his hat in the ring again. Should make it easier to come up with fresh content.
Frank, please don’t feed the trolls.
The idiot who wrote that snark is probably jealous as hell they don’t have a popular website like you do.
Or he’s some guy with no dick. Probably some guy with no dick.
I think it’s some guy with no dick.
Anyway, you have a family and they come first.
Let me be clear. Wanting more Frank J. is NOT the same thing as suggesting that the music needs more COWBELL. No, the two are not analogous.
Oh, I know what I wanted to say. I’ve wanted more Harvey, too, especially his ‘Newsish Fakery’ (which is gone). And more Basil!
WTF kind of free hotel is this?
Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe we all need to pay-up on an annual basis so Frank can pay his co-bloggers (more?).
Frank – I have told the guys at redeye to have you on, you are that funny. Dude, do this as long as you can, you are very funny (Harvey and basil suck) but we understand if you have to move on. No worries.
Your recurrent humor memes are part of your charm.
Nuke the Moon
Musket to the junk
Dinosaurs with rocket launchers
Hippie punching
lil’o with a bucket stuck on his head
describing Congress as a bunch of spoiled 6 year olds squabbling on a playground…
just add the breaking little kids toys thing to the list.
it all works.
you are the greatest Frank, thank you so much for sharing the awesome with us!!
The Western Pennsylvania term for this person is “jagoff”, I believe! It’s hard for me to stay away from not-so-nice language in this comment.
What kind of massive tool goes on someone else’s blog and starts demanding, in a whiny voice, “more originality, please”?
Oh, I answered the question in that sentence: a massive tool.
And to think I was going to tell you, Frank, not to let such people bother you.
Perhaps that Todd guy just let his worse nature get the better of him. I hope that’s the case.
Have I mentioned the USS Iowa lately?
We’re praying for you and SarahK as you go through this time! You will sleep again…in seventeen years or so.
Hey this Carolynp person is dangerously close to my screen name. I hope she’s cool, or we’re going to have to send dinosaurs with rocket launchers after her. I know that dinosaurs with rocket launchers has been done here, so I sure hope no one gets all huffy and tells me to be more original.
Everyday I look at your blog. You could repeat yourself for twenty days and it would still be funny. No excuses will get you out of IMAO….not even an Obama presidential “They talk about me like a dog” excuse. You are the Frank and that is all we need. So, back to it Mr. FrankJ. 😉
Todd Haberdasher needs to be force-fed bacon (mmmmm, bacon), then chased by dinosaurs equipped with rocket launchers, then hippie-punched in the face, then given a musket to the junk, then assaulted by scary evil monkeys, then proven wrong by Science!, then forced to watch while all of his toys are smashed in front of him, then sent to the moon strapped to a nuke. Repeatedly. And it will be funny EVERY TIME.
Although we here at BOBEB are proud to claim the title of Bastard, we must still fundamentally reject your notion that it is acceptable for Mr. Haberdasher (Whose name sounds like a character from a bad movie) to be fed bacon, the most precious food of God’s most precious animal.
Superego rocks! That story will make a book filled with awesome! When I finished reading it years ago, I wanted more. Go Frank! Write your tiny heart out! We can deal with some redundancy here on the blog.
Frank, your typical reader, like me for example has the attention span of a nat. Do you think we are concerned with a repeat of funny? As long as it’s funny bring it! Funny is funny…what was I talking about? Oh yea, the guy with no dick…
Top Ten Things We Like About Frank (Besides Sarah and Buttercup) :
He is exactly, or nearly, or roughly six feet tall
Ok, that was six….ummmmmmm
Both of Fred Thompson’s socks matched yesterday
WoooHoooo that’s eight….ummmmmmm
Eights all I got
Quit whining and blog. We come here because we like the way you write. If someone doesn’t like it, they can go elsewhere. Or get punched in their dumb monkey faces.
This is your blog. You can repeat yourself over and over again, it’s your choice. As was mentioned above, no one is forced to come here. As far as repeating yourself, I dare say Jefferson, Franklin, Lincoln, Reagan and God have reused material. If it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for us. Trolls should find a bridge and stay there, that way their not offended or they don’t offend.
I figured it was just Harvey posting a comment under a pseudonym. But wait… Harvey is just Frank posting under a pseudonym… So… FRANK!! How dare you manipulate us into heaping praise on you through false pretenses! I will never read IMAO again (before 9:00).
So Frank posts some “woe is me” blog and all of you schmucks firmly attach your lips to Frank’s butt! In my world anyone who firmly plants their lips on a man’s buttocks is called an ass kisser! There I said it!!! It needed to be said and I’m glad that I was here to serve my IMAOdom… So, stop with the buttocks smooching and give Frank the Business!
Benny Hill reused jokes a million times and he was hilarious. Just call it Joke Classic. To heck with such negativity.
I’m always ready to give you a hard time, but…… That’s lame.
Say what I say when people call me on recycling my jokes,
Hey, I write my own material, it’s not easy coming up with new stuff all the time.”
Of course I steal most of my material from you, but the point stands.
Frank has Fred Thompson’s seal of approval. And mine. And Marko. And ussjimmycarter. And Damncat. And all of the other’s who post on here. That’s enough awesome to scare off any troll. Or Obamavoter.
@MarcoMancuso: Quite right, bacon cannot be wasted on Haberdasher. Change that to “Forced to watch others eat yummy, yummy bacon, without sharing a single precious morsel – not so much as a bacon-bit.”
Sounds to me like someone’s getting ready to quit blogging! Freakin’ no good quitters.
It wasn’t repetition, it was a “callback”.
I will buy “Superego the Novel” the day it goes on sale. I still think it would make a really cool movie.
I should probably clarify that the use of the analogy a second time reminded me instantly of the original use, which was hilarious. “More originality please” was more of a joke to make the post seem less strange. Obviously I didn’t want to insinuate that FrankJ’s output is lacking.
But if I have angered the IMAO deities, I must be punished. Let us start with the forcefeeding of bacon.
Well, you’re obviously not a drive by troll if you can remember something I said months ago. Didn’t mean to single you out.