Random Thoughts

“Computer error in your favor. Collect 7000 votes.”

What happened in Wisconsin is kinda funny. Hee hee.

Well, Kloppenburg will always have her victory speech.

Ground beef? I’m not eating beef that’s been on the ground.


  1. I feel a tingle up my pants when I read “government shutdown”.

    Then I remember that Obama hates black soliders and won’t be paying the military.

    Then I want to punch Obama in the face again.

    Full circle again!

  2. Shut ‘er down !!!

    Oh noes !!!11!!!11 Gummint shutdwon!!!!111!!! I’m series.

    I guess thia cuts off the arugula and Grey Poupon allowance.

    Democrats must really like abortion and liberal media to shut the goveenment down over it.

  3. I like the way the VRWC waited until the Democrats finished “finding” more ballots before “finding” their own (timing). And the way they somehow got the Democrat in charge of oversite to verify the veracity of the new count (wonder what was in those photos). And the way they were able to somehow get the secure computer tapes and modify them (Halibuton). Way more hightech than voting dead people.

    Also, the term “ground beef” was orginally “grounded beef” and was what cavemen used to call it when a prehistoric cow got hit by lightning.

  4. “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!”

    Having lived through the last government shut down that was supposed to massacre the Republican Party, yet didn’t. Nothing is going to change. The sky will not fall, nor will the oceans rise. As a Aircraft Technician assigned to a USAF Reserve Unit at Andrews AFB, I worked. Planes flew. Missions were flown in and out of CONUS. The only major difference was the extended Federal Holiday traffic that cut five minutes from my travel time.

    BTW: Congrats to Frank on his recent Townhall column. Very funny stuff!

    PS: Nice Zed avatar, FormerHostage.

  5. Kloppenburg is a perfect Wisconsin name! Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life but that is Wisconsin! They invade Minneapolis once a year when the Packers come to town. The rest of us horde food and board up our homes and wait for them to go home. We especially stay off the freeways because they can’t drive a lick and you add Drunk and Stupid to the equation and you don’t want to be on Interstate 94 headed east…

  6. Ground beef? I’m not eating beef that’s been on the ground.


    “Computer error in your favor. Collect 7000 votes.”

    I love it when the marxists get a taste of their own medicine.

    kloppenburg is a perfect name for a union thug.

    Union scumbag: Subptmitt to ourh vill or ve vill kloppenberg you.

  7. Random thoughts:

    The democrat party need to be redefined as the we used to be Americans but we don’t want to work party.

    If global warming is real, why hasn’t algore removed himself from his carbon footprint?

    How rich is kos’ dentist from all that teeth gnashing?

    I heard a loud explosion yesterday, I think it was Sasquatch trying to fit into “skinny” jeans.

  8. “Well, Kloppenburg will always have her victory speech.”

    Poor Kloppenburg. After watching her “victory speech” you have to wonder what color the sky is in her very special world…and what she was doing during Woodstock.

  9. You know I just took a Kloppenburg and you guys are right. It sounded like Kloppen…Kloppen….Kloppen… And my Klobbenburg’s don’t stink! They smell like fairy dust!

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