Wow, that’s pretty funny what happened in Wisconsin. Since the union thugs were putting all their effort into that election, I was just happy it was close. Still, I thought with just a 204 vote margin that Kloppy-burger person was jumping the gun to give a victory speech.
And then — BOOM! — “Whoops! Just totally forgot about 7000 votes for Prosser.” So from razor thin lead for Kloppy to insurmountable lead of Prosser. And it’s all the more fun because the stupid left thought they won. Nothing like interrupting them with this halfway through their victory dance. The reaction of Michael Moore alone is priceless.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all close elections ended this way? Anyway, here is a reimagining of the 2000 election:
After the stunning photo finish in Florida where Al Gore won the state by just 204 votes, Gore gave his victory speech before an ecstatic cheering crowd, “The American people have spoken! And I am humbled vy the faith you have entrusted in me to be your president. Now, I can barely wait to enact all the ideas I have to help us–”
It was at this point that George W. Bush ran on to stage, interrupting the speech. “They just found 7000 more votes!”
“What?” a clearly befuddled Gore asked.
“Yep! 7000 votes for me in Florida someone just done forgot about. Ain’t it crazy!” Bush faced the now quite silent Gore supporters. “I’m president now, you stupid hippies!” Bush then drew two revolvers and fired them in the air while yelling, “Yee-haw! Let’s start some illegal wars for oil!” He then French-kissed Tipper.
A dejected, tearful Al Gore was later seen stuffing his face with pie.
Or maybe it did happen that way. It was over a decade ago; I barely remember.
Is this the end of Joanne Sloppyturd?
I guess the democrats miscalculated by 8,000 hanging chads.
The Democratic Special Union Service forgot the meaning of their motto, “Who Cheats, Wins!” I’m not sure we’ll be so lucky during the next crucual election.
“The reaction of Michael Moore alone is priceless”.
Dang I wish I had gone to dental school.
And that pie is STILL stuck in his fat ass!
The Wisconsin State Motto is Fat, Stupid, Ugly and Drunk, Live the Wisconsin Dream! Here’s to the dream!
You nailed 2000 as far as I can remember! I didn’t remember Bush slipping Tipper the tongue but I’ll bet she still has a pining for him in her heart! And Silky Pony is preparing for his stay in a Federal facility…he’s going to be the Catcher…not the Pitcher!!!
I invented Al Gore…Manbearpig, Imagination Land, WI
A funny thing happened to me yesterday on my way to the Wisconson Suprime Court…JoAnne Kloppenburg
An even funnier thing happened to me yesterday on my way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court…JoAnne Kloppenburg, PS: Hey it’s not my fault JoAnne can’t spell!
The left has funny temper tantrums.
Frank, I wish that had been Bush.
MM: Heads I win; tails you cheat.
I guess the AFL-CIO-SEIU-Etc.
was a few dozen busloads of moter-ed voters short, there.
That, or those chauferred vagrants from Chicago got lost in cheeseland on thier way to a polling place.
The election laws are MUCH stricter in Wisconsin than Chicago,
you need to have a pulse.
back in the day i’d have slipped Tipper the tongue.
Funny how when votes are “discovered” for the left it’s because of Republicans cheating by hiding them, and when they’re “discovered” for the right, that’s Republican cheating, too, by fabricating them.
If true, it means the Dems are incompetent.