A 12-member panel, assembled by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, concluded that it would be ethical for scientists to try to create babies that have genetic material from three different people.
Huh… what’s THAT birth certificate going to look like? “Mother”, “Father”, “Caitlyn”?
Who says the baby needs a father? Patriarchist!
It’s one thing to help nature along with techniques like artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.
This is clearly crossing the line to playing God with human beings.
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Danny Devito. Twins.
Why stop at 3? Why stop at Human? I can’t remember how many SciFi novels I’ve read where this proves to “not be a good idea” kind of thing. There are no ethics at work here, it is just some prerationalizing for something you were damned well going to do anyway.
Stories like this make me think of “The Fly”.
@walruskkkch – “Why stop at 3?”
Just think of the custody battles. Lawyer fee bonanza!
I seem to recall that this was how the Antichrist was created in the Left Behind series
Impiety is the splice of Life.
Could easily give new meaning to, “Who’s your daddy?”
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts become proportional.
Not sure why this is news… it was reported a year or two ago. The 3rd parent is only providing mitochondrial DNA. Mom and Dad provide the 23 pairs of chromosomes. The scientist are trying to cure a genetic mitochondrial disorder. The panel even wants to limit the offspring to males, so that the mitochondria can’t be passed on to future generations. Note: Mitochondria have nothing to do with midi-chlorians.
As far as human genetic experimentation goes, it is fairly benign. This is not designer babies. It is a work-around to prevent a tragic genetic disease from being passed on to future generations.
It is a work-around to prevent a tragic genetic disease from being passed on to future generations.
The panel even wants to limit the offspring to males……. Gee I wonder how they’d do that?
They “limit the offspring to males” in China now, if you think that’s good thing, move there.
Hmmm…The panel even wants to limit the offspring to….fill in the blank.
The best way to prevent a tragic genetic disease is to not reproduce. If you want a kid that bad, go adopt one.
So trying to engineer a human being is bad, unless it means Caitlyn is feeling left out. We can’t have that.
The Caitlyn Gambit could be used to allow all sorts of despicable behavior, don’t you think?