We’ve All Been There

New TVs with face-scanning technology will be able to instantly measure a viewer’s reaction to a TV show.

For example, measuring the redness of the bleary-eyed Netflix binge-watcher on hour 17 of “Agents of SHIELD”.


  1. What kind of blithering idiot would volunteer to permit a camera in their TV room?

    For one thing, it’ll put babysitters and their boyfriends right out of business.

    From the article:
    Note how they deflect like a freakin’ Clinton when this concern is raised:

    The viewer trial prompted concerns that the BBC would use the webcam technology to “spy” on people’s living rooms and assess how diligently they were watching programmes. But the BBC believes facial coding will help it to serve audiences merely by gaining a greater understanding of their tastes.

    And then there’s this:

    The BBC’s advertising division said the technology “enabled us to find out the emotional response of each person and how they truly felt about the content they were viewing


  2. Not just TV shows, but ALL TV programs including political events, debates, speeches and advertisements.

    But, such a system’s facial measurements would have to result in useful translations.

    For example,

    Viewed –> Equivalent Verbal Reaction

    Nancy Pelosi –> Ugly! Make it STOP!
    Michelle Obama –> You’re eating healthy, Your. Fat. Ass!
    Hillary Clinton –> Liar! (*shudder*) Female hell-on-Earth!
    Bernie Sanders –> OH. MY. GOD! I can smell him from here!
    Barack Obama –> (Loud noises, loss of channel)

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