The Donkey Horror Picture Show (A Rocky Horror Picture Show Parody by Walruskkkch) Part 5

There’s a Dossier
(to the tune of “There’s a Light“)

Mika: In post-election darkness
we won’t give up the fight
Burning bright
we’ll have a guiding star
no matter what the facts really are.

Joe & Mika: There’s a Dossier.

Chorus: Over at the F.B.I.

Joe & Mika: Proving Collusion.

Chorus: Tween the Russians and that Trump guy.

Joe & Mika: We’ll make sure it gets out.
and drive this darkness out of office.

Rip Off: The dossier must go
to feed the hunger of the Left’s dreaming.
Go Mueller, go
let the indictments come streaming.
That is the plan, that is the plan.

Joe & Mika: There’s a dossier

Chorus: And a Special Investigator.

Joe & Mika: That’s the plan.

Chorus: Indict Trump if we can.
That’s the plan, that’s the plan.

Joe and Mika: Resist the triumph of the Right.

One Comment

  1. I’ve cogitated, and finally figured out why I like this one and the last one so much: it’s because of the parody of Joe and Mika. The other cast of characters (Hillary et al.) somehow just aren’t as fun to make fun of. The usual suspects are merely hateful and evil, whereas Joe and Mika think of themselves as journalists, smart, and likeable, which makes them funnier to make fun of. In My Awesome Opinion.

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