Random Thoughts: Kennedy Retirement and Still Not Over The Last Jedi

I was a member of a union when I had a job at a supermarket as a teenager. They took 5 dollars out of every paycheck and I remember them sending me a newsletter listing a bunch of bad thing about Bob Dole and good things about Bill Clinton.

I wasn’t a card carrying member of the union, though, as I lost my card 🙁

Can just see a union rep reading about the Supreme Court decision in the paper, the cigar falling from his mouth and bouncing off his belly.

The Supreme Court seems really inefficient. They have to write these long opinions to dominate the news cycle while all trump has to do is tweet.

If I had to guess, I think Cocaine Mitch delayed the replacement of Scalia because he could and will stop the replacement of Kennedy from being delayed also because he can.

If the left are still worried that over 40 years later that Roe v. Wade could overturned at any moment, maybe they should try and pass an abortion amendment to the Constitution.

Not sure what the text of that should be.
Amendment 28: ABORTIONS FOR ALL!

Amendement 28: None of the rights listed here should be construed as applying to the dreaded enemy of casual sex: Babies!

I’m not one of those “Look at me drink from my mug of liberal tears” guys, but I tried to get coffee today and all they had was an abundance of liberal tears.
I always drink my coffee black, so it was a little too sweet for me.

CONS: “Look at us own the libs with our new supreme court justice!”
NEW SUPREME COURT JUSTICE: “Owning the libs is unconstitutional because of the 13th Amendment.”
CONS: “Oh no!”

Strange how humans are the only animal to completely understand the reproductive process and also the only animal to seem surprised when the reproductive act results in reproduction.

Everyone is freaking out about the Supreme Court now but they’ll be forgetting all about this in a year when they’re busy picking out their red robes and bonnets or whatever it is they wear in that show. I’m making a Handmaid’s Tale joke here people!

I’m used to far right hucksters who don’t actually believe in anything and just try to stir things up, but Jennifer Rubin seems like this rare center-right huckster who doesn’t actually believe in anything and just likes a paying gig.

Maybe Episode IX can save the Star Wars franchise if the opening scroll is an apology.

My theory on why Holdo had purple hair and a prom dress is so the audience would be dismissive of her and take Poe’s side and then we’d get our comeuppance along with him… except to a lot of us she still seemed dumb at the end.

So have we moved on from the kids being separated from their parents? Because some people were acting like they were ready for a military coup just a few days ago.

A good phrase for any political outrage, no matter how big: “This too shall pass. And sooner than you think.”

Every once in a while I run into random people I’ve never interacted with who have me blocked. Don’t they know I’m a pretty cool dude?

Was’t Roe v. Wade a big example of legislating from the bench? There aren’t any mention of trimesters in the Constitution.

To me, what they did to Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi was actually one of the parts I objected to the least. Everything outside of the Rey/Kylo/Luke scenes were pretty much garbage.
From a rewatch of The Last Jedi, the first half hour was actually good. Then Rose and Holdo get introduced and everything gets stupid except for some of the drama with Rey and Kylo.
The Last Jedi is about an hour of good Star Wars in a two and a half hour movie.
The Force Awakens, despite its flaws, left me interested in a few mysteries and where the story went next. The Last Jedi completely wiped that out. The only thing left at the end was “Will the Resistance beat the New Order run by young idiots Hux and Kylo?” Probably.

I haven’t encountered it yet, but what’s it like when someone disagrees with you on the internet? Do you learn a lot?

I’ve read the Constitution before and I think understood the gist of it. How much does Supreme Court Justice pay?
I can telecommute for that, right? I don’t want to move to D.C.

I hope we get a Plinkett review of The Last Jedi. That would be epic.

The foundation of socialism is the violence of the state. You can’t interrupt peaceful, voluntary exchange without it.

My 5yo saw on the news about Trump separating kids from their parents and turned to me with tears in his eyes and said, “I want candy!”

I don’t even get the left anymore. They keep proposing all these horrible ideas—government crackdown on free speech, court packing—like they’re in charge but it’s while Trump is in charge. Do they understand how government power works?

If you think guns are bad and owning them only leads to harm, disarm the government. Maybe when it’s disarmed, the civilians will follow.

Season 6 of Community is pretty amazing in that, despite all the changes, it still feels like Community.

While Trump is going through his list for a Kennedy replacement, he might as well get two others ready to replace Ginsburg and Breyer.

What era in this country was better than now?

Can never remember if the one actor’s name is Keith David or David Keith.

watches There Will Be Blood
“I drink your milkshake!”
“Oh no! No no no!”
quickly writes Seattle’s bill to ban straws

The Dem nominee will need to vow to abolish ICE and close Gitmo.

My 2yo was hitting me while shouting “Hippie!” Kids learn from example.

Fireworks are dumb. At least Michael Bay attempts to add a plot to his explosions.

I think a Wednesday holiday is fun. It’s a mini-weekend in the middle of the week!

How about the right go along with the left in abolishing ICE and in exchange the left go along with the right in abolishing the IRS?

I don’t own nuking the moon anymore than one can own the moon or nukes. It’s America that owns the moon. And no one can prove I own nukes.

Star Wars is in trouble. Solo isn’t even close to profitable, and The Last Jedi didn’t make anywhere near as much as The Force Awakens plus they had to use most of TLJ’s profits to pay people to pretend they liked it.

You know, some of these things we say about Trump could be hurting his feelings.


  1. A good phrase for any political outrage, no matter how big: “This too shall pass. And sooner than you think.”

    Sadly the Jews thought that as well to humanities great sorrpw.

  2. The Dem nominee will need to vow to abolish ICE and close Gitmo.

    When I first heard about abolishing ICE I thought about straw banning and wondered did our Forefathers risk all so that we had to gulp our drinks at room temperature?

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