China Hits Back at Democracy Act by Suspending US Military Port Calls in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post / 12/2/19
—— Ninth Circuit Court Hits Back at Trump by Suspending ICE Calls in California
China Accuses G7 Countries of “Meddling” in Hong Kong Affairs
South China Morning Post / 8/27/19
—— California Accuses Other States of “Meddling” in Immigration Affairs
I copied this photo of Hong Kong protesters from the first article. It might have made a good “Caption This Photo.”
The woman on the left who looks like Cousin It is responding to ban on face masks and bandanas. The Trump-hugger clearly doesn’t care.
Many, many more flags than at any typical Democrat meeting.
Maybe we can loan a couple thousand of our Antifa thugs to the Chinese government…they’ll make short work of those Hong Cong freedom protesters.
Loan? I say make them a gift.
That’s more American flags than have been seen on the campus at Berkeley in the last fifty five years!!
Berkeley have their conservatives purged better.