Itch’n for a Fight…

I just want to let you know that, though I have a bit of a cough still, I’m back in action. I’ll have a big war update tonight, including a ton of new banner submissions and finally updating the compatriots list. Apparently White Glenn took my sickness as a chance to strike against me multiple times, and I’ll comment on that as well. Also, I’ll finally have my myth and truths about the Great Blog War and the Blogger Alliance.


  1. I don’t understand the “war”. You’re mad that he doesn’t link directly to your site, and that prevents you from getting more traffic? Why doesn’t he link to you? Why should he link to you? Why do you care about your traffic?

  2. Right… okay… so you’re mad that he didn’t link to your “blogography”, or other things you have asked him to link to.
    Any idea why he has refused to do so? Some post of yours he didn’t like much?

  3. Dave,
    Stop asking questions and pick a side.
    You don’t seem evil but I bet White Glenn could use some blog fodder.
    You don’t seem all that bright either, though, we also could use some more fodder.
    Tim E

  4. I don’t see why there has to be a side. Both seem pretty conservative, though Frank is Catholic, so if I had to choose a side it would be Frank. I could really care less who links to who or has more traffic. I just want to read interesting perspectives. But hey, fun is fun. “You’re right Milhouse, fun IS fun.”

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