Are You Canadian? I Think You Must Be Canadian

Spacemonkey, who is dumb and stupid (and apparently had this post appear on Dateline) put up this stupid dumb quiz (which I only got 15 to before I gave up because it was stupid and dumb; SarahK got 31 and would have gotten more if she were British). I have a better quiz, because it’s about basic facts about the U.S. and our government. If you get any wrong, you should like leave America now and probably die. I raced through it in like a minute and got them all right (except for one which no one knows the answer to).
Take the test here.


  1. 22/30… and I’m not even American!

    BTW English was named the official language of our country by the Founders so the quiz writers got that one wrong.
    Yes, but is it federal law? If it isn’t, I guess it’s not official. Sort of how the God references don’t make Christianity the official US religion…

  2. To fool websense:
    ping the server. The output will tell you the IP address.
    Exchange the IP address for the base of the URL.
    Websense will let you pass unless it has that IP number in its filter, or it is running from a whitelist (nothing goes through unless specifically allowed), or it is filter that port. But I know port 80 is allowed since you can access this site.

  3. Another way to fool some content firewalls:
    Search for the site on google. When you found it, click on “cached” at the end of google’s entry. You only get text and you can’t interact with the page (i.e. it won’t score your answers).
    I used to do this until our sysadmins got wise and blocked the google cache pages. I’m a software developer and they block most of the good programming help sites. We have to get work done so we find ways around the “book smart” sys admins.

    1. Would have been all but the one about constitutional amendments proposed by Congress but not passed if I had remembered that W. was born in Connecticut and that Eisenhower was born in Abilene, Texas, not Abilene, Kansas.
  4. Question #6 How many full terms can a president serve?
    He can run and win his office 2 times.
    He can also be elected as a running mate numerous other times, and on inauguration day become president again by either the new president resigning or dying.
    Would this not be equal to more than 2 full terms? Or are we counting exactly to the minute?
    The amendment says he can’t be “elected” for more than 2 full terms.
    So was question #6 wrong?

  5. 24 only thanks to my School House Rock memories…”We’re gonna have a THREE ring circus someday, people will say it’s a Fine one son!”

  6. Come on folks, it was just basic constitutional awareness. 29/30. I was clueless on the number of admendments passed but not ratified. I was ready to select 2000. Those goofy congresspeople. They will vote for anything if promised a campaign contribution.

  7. Re: English as our “official language.” The founding fathers may have intended it, but it’s not law. There is a rumor that Spanish may be designated our official language by 2010. Guess we’d all better start learning Spanish.
    If I recall correctly, we are the only country WITHOUT an “official” language. Figures.

  8. got 26, but should have been 28 if I had been thinking (should have gotten the amendments proposed but not passed, and official language Qs). did not know what year the last amendment was passed, and missed one other which i can’t remember…

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