Bill Gates: Wahh! I’m Too Rich!

Bill Gates wishes he wasn’t richest in world – May. 4, 2006

Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates said Wednesday he wished he were not the world’s richest man.
“I wish I wasn’t. There is nothing good that comes out of that,” said Gates,


  1. To quote from, I think, Len Deighton (a character in his Funeral in Berlin, if memory serves): The difference between the unhappy poor and the unhappy rich is that the unhappy rich can change.

  2. There’s a simple solution to his wealth: he could dedicate his company towards building flawed unreliable software so people end up not buying it, the stock value tanks, and all his wealth goes away.
    Wait. Most MS software is already flawed.
    Um… perhaps he could buy out a company that just codes software flaws?

  3. So Bill made his money by stealing ideas from hippie corporations like Apple and Netscape.
    Why is Bill unhappy again?
    (On an unrelated note, I once was at a party at one of my professor’s houses in the Seattle area. He pointed over Lake Washington and mentioned that the house we were looking at was Bill Gates’ house. For the life of me, I couldn’t pick out which one of the rather normal looking houses was Bill’s. Unless… Bill’s house is some sort of magical castle that can only be seen by the pure of heart.)

  4. If it’s such a bother I’ll take a couple billion off his hands. I need 10 million to buy Dean Cain, and 50 million to produce the Elfquest movie using Pixar, and about 100 million to get a job for Kenzer Co so I can play D&D for the rest of my life.

  5. Yes, if I too were a smart, shrewd, business-savvy bazillionaire to whom every single mortal whose job even remotely involves a personal computer should build a shrine to, I’d wish I weren’t.
    Oh, wait.

    Wait. Most software is already flawed.
    Edited for accuracy.

  6. On an unrelated note, I’d wish Republicans would stop being pro-free market, and then complain about every single person or company who makes money in said free market by making the best products and marketing them the best.
    You know, just because I’d rather leave the monopoly on blinding hypocrisy to those on the other side.

  7. “Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates said Wednesday he wished he were not the world’s richest man.
    “I wish I wasn’t. There is nothing good that comes out of that,” said Gates.”

    In related news, Mr. Gates is recovering nicely from the elective brainectomy his doctors performed last week. When asked by reporters shortly before the procedure why he would opt for such unusual surgery, he responded, “Why not? I’m the richest guy in the world! I can do whtever I want! Having all this moolah is great!!”

  8. MS software isn’t flawed. It’s just designed to look flawed so that on Jan 1, 2010. when all the money in the world is transfered into Bill’s bank account, he can claim it was just an error in a line of code. Having aquired all of the worlds wealth, He can then announce that “HE” has a fully functional death star and demand that his picture be on all new currency.

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