GOP Loses Congress, Bush Impeached,
Rove Indicted, Pigs Fly

Like my headline? These events aren’t made up they’re just too far in front of the news cycle.
Which is to say they aren’t true, but only because they haven’t happened YET.
Any other unlikely headlines you can think of that the Left would believe just because they want it to be true SOOOOOOO bad?


  1. Constitution and Bill of Rights shredded! Jimmy Carter installed as Lifetime Communist Dictator!
    Congress Enacts New Bills; No Limit to Abortion Rights! All Sexual Deviancies now Legal!
    New Enviornmental Bill; All Humans to Report to Incineration Booths!
    Study Reports Unqustionably that SUV’s are Causing Global Warming; Earth to Incinerate in 10 Years!

  2. Isreal Destroyed by Nuclear Attack!
    Mexico to become 51st State!
    Any Mention of God Banned from United States!
    No More Boarders! U.S., Europe Now Ruled By One World Government!
    ISLAM Now Official World Religion!

  3. George W. Bush and Karl Rove “Outed”! Nancy Pelosi to be Hillarys’ running mate! U.S.Marines to be disarmed and feminized! Spacemonkey convicted by World Court of Inciting Free Speech!

  4. Jimmy Carter installed as lifetime dictator…good Lord…I shudder at the thought…21% prime interest rates…19% inflation…getting our asses kicked by any and all small time dictators worldwide…gas lines…malaise…fireside chats with button down sweaters…ewwwww!!!

  5. Full Birth, Post-Partem Abortions Now Completely “Safe & Legal”, Decrees SCOTUS (circa 2009)
    President Clinton to Urge Congress to Declare Christians, Neo-Cons Subhuman “They’re really only 3/5’s human anyway,” she stated, “and therefore have no rights under our Constitution.” (circa late 2009)

  6. President Clinton and First Husband Clinton along with Vice President Jennifer Smeal and her “Domestic Partner” have moved into the White House. “Things are going to be different starting right now” said the new sitting President. This statement was followed by a hideous laugh not heard since…well…never heard before….

  7. Here’s a couple for us:
    Presidential Hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton’s IQ Test Results Come Back Negative; No One In Shock
    Extra! Lonely Former President Bill Clinton Plays With Himself- And Loses

  8. Things that won’t happen.
    Michael Moore Takes Shower
    Al Gore gets laid
    Tookie Williams brought back from dead and given clemency
    New ABC poll suggests all unborn fetuses support women’s right to choose

  9. 50 Million Republicans Summarily Shot!
    The final chapter of the Bush administration and Republicanism in general came to close today when the entire Republican Party was summarily executed for war crimes this week. It was a great day for humanity today when the great bulk of loyal Republicans literally lay their heads on the ground for the last time in solemn shame. Before taking his turn, Newt Gingrich noted that things in the world could be expected to suddenly improve now that we and our misguided policies have been forever erased from the face of the earth. It must be noted that the great majority of the Republican masses were shot with their own weapons. Pat Robertson spoke of the great epiphany that sudden overcame all of Republicanism. “After resisting the obvious for so long it finally dawned on us that the Republican party was indeed the repository for all the worlds ills”. Nancy Peloci joined a number of pacifists and anti-death penalty activists in agreement that they must set aside principles just this once for the opportunity get rid of them all for good. Bono and Neil Young sang in the new era of social justice celebrating the great redistribution of wealth among the poor of the world. A full UN war crimes trial was avoided as international observers raced to get final justice over with before those idiotic Republicans got a notion they might want to live. Secretary General Kofi Anon noted that since all the sins of humanity did indeed lay with the Americans in general and Republicans in particular, that an actual trial was a superfluous and dangerous idea. Environmentalists throughout the world declared it the greatest day in the history of mankind. “Humanity is now saved now that we are forever free of its Republican pollutants”.

  10. Hiss was innocent, KGB files reveal
    Pyramid power works! Lenin arises from tomb
    Plate tectonics show Texas sinking, California now stable
    Swedish economy flourishing
    SecState Chomsky, Iranian Pres. Ahmadi-nejad sign nuclear cooperation treaty
    President Edwards officiates as Nixon purged from rolls at Duke Law School
    “Wk”, “J*b”, “Sp”, others recommended new unwords – Crimethink Commission
    Simian Coalition sweeps Spanish elections
    Bush treed by killer rabbit – complete video at 11
    Army of Davids laid low by Googliath
    New VD vaccines also lower inhibitions
    Wiccans consecrate remodeled Pentagon as “The Lady’s Pentacle”
    Marijuana-coca hybrid spreads like kudzu
    PM Galloway delivers rope for hanging last Israeli
    Zimbabweans outlawed internal combustion circa 4000 B.C.E. – Archaeologists
    Gonzales gets ICJ permission to star in commercial as Juan Valdez before execution
    Freedom Fighters kill last heterosexual Marine
    god’s suicide note found in Vatican Library
    Mary Jo Kopechne found alive in J. Edgar Hoover’s basement
    More universities offering degrees in glue-sniffing
    New York State returned to bioengineered Mohicans
    Search continues for differently-abled nippo-magyar lesbian for Security Council seat
    Caribou fans celebrate ANWR annexation of Siberia, most of Alberta and Nevada
    Till the last chad drops: historians begin 100,000th recount in Brouard County
    Haughty Neil Young declines Alabama invitation: “I know you need me around. Anyhow, no.”
    Al-Tikriti leads in Danish polls
    New Chinese ICBM powered by moonbeams
    KC grizzly maulings up 80%
    Ted Nugent chokes to death on venison
    GenSec Clinton signs gunpowder ban

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