Today it will be 93 degrees in Wisconsin, and I’ll be mowing my lawn and cursing the heat.
I am grateful to those who lost their lives making it possible for me to have the freedom to own a lawn that needs mowing.
And to do my cursing in English instead of German, Japanese, or Russian.
Thank you.
You live in Wisconsin and can’t curse in German? Are you not a native?
You might as well start learning how to curse in Spanish.
Der Teufel soll dich holen, Amerikaner!
If I ever feel the need to swear in a non-American fashion, I’ve got a virtual ammo dump of linguistic foulness for reference:
yeah. wisconsin is sweet that way. tomorrow it’ll probably be freezing! lol! hey harvey, way to live in wisconsin. good job.
Note: Harvey did not admit to living in Wisconsin, he only related the Wisconsin temp.
I don’t really “live” in Wisconsin unless the Packers make the playoffs.
I’ve been dead for over a year now :-/
Wisconsin, dat there is part of Canader ain’t it?
If you really want to be grateful, then make sure to say “Gracias!”
Do you know any sites without the wierd date ads on them? I’d stay there and look around, but the ads are just freakin me out.