If the economy is so bad, where are all these idiots getting money to give to Obama? You’d think America would have to be practically overflowing with spare cash for this to happen.
If the economy is so bad, where are all these idiots getting money to give to Obama? You’d think America would have to be practically overflowing with spare cash for this to happen.
Maybe their welfare checks are bigger than we think.
Instead of giving money to their churches, bitter Americans thought they would give money to the messiah himself.
Oh they’re not giving money… they are “investing”
Frank, Frank you silly person, don’t you understand, leftards are allowed to have lots of cash on hand, because they know how to spend it better than a conservative does…
Don’t ask this stupid question anymore or it’s re-education camp for you, young man!
Well, once a simple commoner has bought his guns, what else do you need money for? Might as well give it to Obama.
He is the messiah. You can multiply the twenties into hundreds, and the hundreds into thousands, then millions. It is only another one of The Great Man’s miracles.
OBAMA, answer our prayers, and see fit to rain upon us your golden shower of hope and change.
Maybe Whole Foods dropped the price of Arugula.
Obama is the future. Obama is hope. Obama is change. Obama is our great father. How dare you question our father, Frank.
They’re democrats, the usual places democrats get money: panhandling, numbers, prostitution, liquor store holdups, burke & hare “resurections”, that sort of thing.
Recycling Ron Paul jokes now?
Well, once a simple commoner has bought his guns, what else do you need money for? Might as well give it to Obama.
#5 – Posted by: Son of Bob on April 21, 2008 02:30 PM
Leftards with guns?
Since they don’t buy guns they have extra money to throw at Obama. Then after wasting the money on that fool they complain about the “bad economy.” Ever seen a poor person buy alcohol? same concept. Spend what you don’t have then complain. Afterwards blaming bush.
For instance…I didn’t get car insurance (dang i spent my money on tequilla) it’s all bushes fault i got in that car wreck! It’s because I was thinking about how he’s the worst president ever!!
—–this is called “Into the mind of a Leftist” LOL
FrankJ, I’ve noticed lately that you are having the same problem I was going through for a while, seeing the humor in this election.
I think I know what your problem is: You actually still think we have hope.
Abandon all hope ye who vote here.
If you embrace the horror that is Election ’08 (at one point I thought and still do that Hillary isn’t the worst candidate for president), you will be able to see the humor and it’s definitely the funniest election contest ever.
As I saw somewhere and will give you for free for a shirt (considering I stole the slogan, I’m just generous like that)
America ’08: Too late to work within the system, too soon to shoot the bastards.
They don’t throw their money away fooooolishly on things like guns, SUV’s, Fishing Boats, etc. Rather they drive a Prius, give to PBS and Minnesota Public Radio, shop at the local “Earth Friendly Eco Green Save The Planet & Hug A Tree We Don’t Use Plastic Bags” Store, while hording their hope and their Change for the Magic Negro!!!
Don’t forget that they don’t throw money away on things like charitable donations either.
They get the money the way that leftie parasites usually do – either directly via robbery, or indirectly via government.
Source 1: George Sorros.
Source 2: The same reason why conservatives have to work so hard; millions of illegal aliens and liberals to support.
Have you seen the new “feel good” welfare system? No more food stamps; they issue state credit cards that refill every month.
The answer is simple.
“A fool and his money are soon parted.” This old gem also explains why our government is able to turn a surplus into a deficit in record time. And lastly, it accurately defines shopaholic women.
It is a good thing my girlfriend hates politics, otherwise I would learn all about celibacy for that last wisecrack.
OBAMA, answer our prayers, and see fit to rain upon us your golden shower of hope and change.
#6 – Posted by: Marvin
Pardon me while I pray to a different entity to please be spared from the golden showers coming from Mr Changey Hopey Dope.
Somehow I feel the only things that would come from a golden shower given to the people by Mr Dope, would be that the general populace gets soaked, and screwed…just not in the nice terms.
Thanks but no thanks…
Their Republican parents.
That’s where.