Obama Bows to a Higher Power Than Himself?

Barack Obama is going for a religious appeal in Kentucky. I’m not sure that’s a great idea considering what we know of his church, and just look at the literature he’s handing out right now:

Yeah, that could backfire on him in Kentucky.
Okay, it’s slight modified from the original. Slightly.


  1. If Mitt Romney had used as a background the Salt Lake Temple or the Tabernacle he would have be savaged. What ever happened to the Church and State division that is so important when Liberals are screaming about it?
    Kind of makes you say hummmmmmmmmmmmm.

  2. I doubt that they genuflect in that church. It’s a good ting, too. If John McCain went down, he wouldn’t get back up and he be staring at some chocolate bon bons. Not good.

  3. With his radical views on abortion, that has to have been filmed in either an opera house, a university music hall, or an Episcolopian church. Oh well, he wouldn’t be the first president to get into trouble over a pipe organ.

  4. More must be made of this. If the media don’t pounce all over this, then fire must be directed at them. Undercover film crews should sell t-shirts with this on it, then ask the buyers why they have no problem with it. I’m telling you, this thing has legs…

  5. The liberals…ah such walking contradictions. When Mike Huckabee ran his Christmas campaign ad it showed a bookshelf in the background that resembled a cross. Yep, the left went crazy. Now Barrack Obama has this ad which is ten times more religious in nature…so where’s the outrage about this one from the left? Hmm…oh wait, I forgot that Obama is the second coming to the left. He’s so religious…wow…look at him…amazing. Pure Genius.

  6. The liberals…ah such walking contradictions. When Mike Huckabee ran his Christmas campaign ad it showed a bookshelf in the background that resembled a cross. Yep, the left went crazy. Now Barrack Obama has this ad which is ten times more religious in nature…so where’s the outrage about this one from the left? Hmm…oh wait, I forgot that Obama is the second coming to the left. He’s so religious…wow…just look for yourself. See, it’s a cross behind him…stunning. I am just in complete awe and so inspired by this man and his wacky political platforms…amazing…pure Genius.

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