Volunteers are still stepping forward, and I’m still processing the virtual paperwork.
Meanwhile, some thoughts:
1) Terms associated with this project:
Operation ScreWE – getting me appointed a WeLeader.
WEtard – someone who actually believes and supports WE’s global warming nutjobbery. (Hat tip: Rubeus)
WEsistance – people who actively oppose the WE project
I of the WEsistance – someone who signs up for WE for purposes of ideological espionage.
“WEsistance is facile” – proposed motto.
2) What is stage 2?:
Not sure yet, but I’d like it to be something that makes them squander their resources, which are time, money, and credibility. Anything we can do that makes them use these ineffectually is good.
But more importantly, the process has to be FUN. Yes, I hate these people and everything they believe and stand for, but in the end, I’m doing this for my own amusement and your entertainment.
3) When is the shirt coming?
The membership drive extends until May 30th, so I’m assuming they’ll hand out prizes sometime after that. Stage 2 will be something to do while we’re waiting.
More to come as I make it up.
Archive of entries posted on 7th May 2008
So Under the Helmet Was Obama This Whole Time?
I’m not quite sure what this is, but it’s kinda awesome:
(hat tip Hot Air)
Because They Know Winning
That’s Not a Market, That’s…
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Hillary is threatening OPEC with… anti-trust laws.
Not bombs, tanks, missiles, or the most fearsome Army ever to kick up the dust of conquered nations, but word-spattered pieces of highly ignorable paper.
Utterly pointless
If she REALLY wants to crush these bastards without the fun of military destruction, it’s pretty simple. Roll back our hysterically oversensitive dirt & vermin protection laws, and start letting oil companies drill & refine the ocean of oil reserves whose very existence makes hippies march around with giant, burning, Exxon effigy-puppets. We’d have OPEC curled up in a corner crying like a candy-stolen baby in 2 years, tops.
But that would cost some of the profits that Hillary wants to tax the crap out of, so that’s off the table.
Anyway, I can’t help noticing that her specific criticism of OPEC is that they “get together once every couple of months in some conference room in some plush place in the world” and that “that’s not a market, that’s a monopoly”.
Actually a “monopoly” is “exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service”.
Her description is actually one of several other things:
- Bill’s sex life
- Congress
- John McCain and conservatism.
- Superdelegates
- The people whose job it is to cancel every show Nathan Fillion appears on (I’m STILL pissed about Drive).
- Terrorist leaders who don’t know their plush place is being laser designated.
- Britney’s intervention planners.
- Microsoft’s “Oops! Missed THAT security hole!” team.
- Hollywood studios who honestly believe that their anti-war movie will turn a profit.
- People who sell bad acid and Battlestar Galactica script-writers, although these meetings are, apparently, a weekly thing this season.
- Al Gore and record-breaking cold temperatures.
So what else “isn’t a market”?
What We’re Running Against
Since Obama is most like the Democrat nominee, let’s look at the strength and weaknesses of him:
* Little experience.
* No accomplishments.
* Poor judgment.
* A history of hanging out with anti-American scumbags.
* Lies when politically convenient.
* Wherever he isn’t exceptionally bad, he’s just a typical politician.
* Liberal.
* He’s black, so his election will be historic.
So, basically the argument for Obama is that you should vote for him if you really want there to be a black president and don’t care if he’s a huge disaster (like Mayor Dinkins). Far in the future, people will look back to this period of history and say, “This is when America elected its first black president. He was so horrible — he had his head stuck in a bucket half his presidency — that many of the people who voted for him then voted to repeal the Fifteenth Amendment. Dark, dark times. We’re still recovering. Notice how we still don’t have flying cars? It’s far in the future, and cars still don’t fly. That’s ridiculous. Someone needs to get their ass moving on that.”
It’s Not Over for Hillary!
So Obama had a huge win in North Carolina while Hillary had a tiny win in Indiana. It’s looking pretty bad for Hillary, but there are still some scenarios that could lead to the superdelegates giving her the nomination:
* Video emerges showing that Obama was not only present during a vile Jeremiah Wright rant, he was in the front row shouting, “Kill whitey!” (that’s the Trinity church’s version of “Amen”).
* Obama, not realizing the mike is on, tells an aide how he really is secretly a Muslim and is only becoming president so he can nuke America with its own weapons to allow the jihadis to win.
* It’s found out that Obama sent Ayers a check for a large sum of money with the “For” line filled out with “More bombs.”
* He’s hit by a bus.
If I know Hillary, she’s already working on making at least one of those happen.