Obama has said a lot of stupid things lately. Here’s a list of some other stupid things he’s said that aren’t getting much press coverage:
* “Bush doesn’t care about China because it’s full of black people.”
* “We don’t have to worry about the cost of my federal programs because at my last visit to Long John Silver’s I got a map to pirate treasure.”
* “I’m running for mayor of the U.S.!”
* “Countries in the Middle East don’t like the Jews since they took for themselves the largest country.”
* “My favorite type of pie is devil’s food.”
* “My grandfather was a ninja turtle.”
* “My middle name will help me in foreign affairs because it will make other countries think I have a bushy mustache.”
* “Ow! Fire hot!”
* “I do.”
People also reportedly thought they heard Obama misidentify Minneapolis as a state, but he actually said nothing stupid at that time. He was just misheard since his head was stuck in a bucket.
Archive of entries posted on 29th May 2008
A Better Idea Is to Stop Them from Thinking
I thought we had gone over this already. Isn’t on of Issac Asimov’s three laws of robotics “Don’t ever do what a monkey tells you to do.”? And now we’re going to have robots doing what monkeys think? Do we even make robots evil enough to process monkey thoughts?
I’ve long queried whether our future will be like in the movie Terminator or like in the movie The Planet of the Apes. It seems we are moving towards both at once. If that happens, I’m going to push things so they end up like Omega Man, and don’t think I won’t.
Ron Paul, President of Idaho?
In the Idaho Republican primary Tuesday, Ron Paul actually got 24% of the vote — something that would be quite a respectable showing were it a four way race and not already over. I guess it is kind of a slight against McCain, but I don’t know who would really bother to vote in a decided presidential race except those who want to protest the result. And crazy people.
Anyway, Ron Paul now has tens of delegates to match McCain’s thousands, and he plans to use them to win himself the presidency and usher on the rEVOLution. Here’s the plan:
Phase 1: Secure a meager amount of delegates.
Phase 2: Come to the Republican National Convention and demand to be heard.
Phase 3: Realize no one is hearing you.
Phase 4: Shout that you will not be ignored.
Phase 5: Be ignored.
Phase 6: Knock over a chair in defiance of the system.
Phase 7: Head back to room at Motel 6.
Phase 8: Drink lots of cheap booze.
Phase 9: ?
Phase 10: Become president and reduce the size of the federal government until it can be run out of a kiosk at the mall.
This plan seems a lot more dynamic when Ronulans tell people about it because the replace the ‘?’ from Phase 9 with “RON PAUL!”