In My World: Obama Accepts the NARAL Endorsement

“Babies are the greatest threat facing society today,” the NARAL spokeswoman said. “Compare the number of people affected by the actions of supposed terrorists versus those affected by crying, screaming babies. Worst yet, think of those forced to care for these parasites. That’s why NARAL stands for the destruction of all babies, and why we are proud to give our nomination to one of the biggest baby opponents, Barack Obama.”

“I will make no distinction between the babies and those who harbor them.”

There was applause as Obama took the stage. “Thank you. This has been an important issue for me for a long time. At first, I had attended feminist rallies and was confused at what lesbians needed abortions for, but now I understand this is not about the women and the abortions — this is about the plight on this nations that are babies. No one has committed a crime so foul that she should be punished with a baby, so I seek a permanent end to this punishment.
“Do not think I came upon the conclusion that we must eliminate babies with little thought. I spent much time talking to my spiritual mentor about the subject.”

“Jeremiah, do you think Jesus would be against abortions,” Obama asked Jeremiah Wright.
“You know… the guy from the Bible.”
“The what? I don’t got time for your jibber-jabber, half-cracker. I have a gay marriage to preside over.”

“It has become clear to me that babies are a problem we must fight now — not later,” Obama continued. “They are a threat wherever they hide, and I warn everyone that I will make no distinction between the babies and those who harbor them. The time of babies is over. Can we hope to change the world to a place without babies? Yes we can. Yes. We. Can.”
Hillary Clinton ran onto the stage, “You’re giving him the endorsement! But I’ve been trying to kill babies for longer than he has! I was the first one to figure how to store their souls for later feasting!”
“Boo!” the crowd shouted. “Go hang out with your baby-loving hillbillies in West Virginia!”
“You’ll all pay for this!” Hillary screeched. “You’ll all pay! I’ll see you all with babies!” She cackled as she ran off.
“That woman is scary,” Obama said. “Anyway, I find one of the best ways to kill a baby is to get a corkscrew and…”

Holy Crap!

Go to the Townhall Blog. Scroll through the posts and look at the authors names and see if one pops out at you.
And while I’m on the subject of Townhall’s blog, Mary Katharine Ham should blog more.

WEtard Font & Other Such

Alice, bless her soul, sent me 4 gifts recently.
First, an explanation of how the WEtard Font came to be. Here’s a particularly irksome passage from the article [see also the original press release]:

“Mr. Collins said he wanted a typeface that was “friendlier” than that of [1960’s Swiss/Modernist poster design]. The new typeface, with small, more rounded gestures, is little bit quirky, but has a curiously warm appearance, too.”

Friendly, quirky, curiously warm… sorta like having sex with an apple pie.
Second – an .fla file that contains the font. If someone knows how to do such a conversion, have at it.
Third – a 72 dpi .jpg of the font. If anyone is conversant with font-creating software, this might be useful.
Fourth – a 300 dpi .jpg of the font. Ditto.
If anyone makes a usable TrueType font out of this, drop me a line.
By the way, my initial reaction to the font – after getting a good look at the pointless asymmetrical design of some of the letters (especially p & q) – was that it’s the kind of thing you’d expect from a surly teenager with an ideogram neck tat & multiple facial piercings whose persistent mommy-issues cause a mental blind spot preventing him from telling the difference between “gracelessly inelegant mutilation” and “creative design”.


Next, from the latest panicky polar bear missive from WEtard central:

Polar bears are tragic, innocent victims of global warming.

When they’re not mauling Inuits (careful if you follow the links on that page, as they lead to graphic images).
Or grandmothers
Or Australian zoo-goers
Or nuclear-powered Seawolf class submarines.
And – much like our enemies the Canadians – they like to club baby seals to death for fun. Club them with their long, pointy teeth! (video contains graphic nature-show violence)
Who in the world would want to save this brutal killer?:
killer polar bear.jpg
The answer – our WEtarded government, who put this bloodthirsty monster on the threatened species list instead of making comfy, decorative rugs out of the genocidal lot of them.
Speaking of which, what else can you use a dead polar bear for?
* speed bump
* Klondike bar display rack
* Put him in the passenger seat so you can use the HOV lane.
* Opening a restaurant specializing in Eskimo cuisine – blubberiffic!
* Paint it green; pass it off as world’s largest Chia Pet.
* Cut it open and use it to keep your Wampa-mauled Jedi friend warm.
I’m sure you’ve got friendly, quirky, and curiously warm notions of your own that you’d like to share.

Pray for Liberal Media

I see McCain is giving his big speech now. Hannity made a good point about him the other day on his radio show (Hannity is actually smart sounding when on the radio): This is McCain sucking up to conservatives. Even with the global warming pandering and talking to La Raza, this is about the best he’ll be to us. When he’s elected and doesn’t need our votes anymore, expect hell.
…Unless the liberal media becomes so horrible to him for being now the most prominent Republican that he no longer finds any gain in sucking up to it. A media horribly biased against McCain is about our only hope. Godspeed, New York Times.