Holy Crap!

Go to the Townhall Blog. Scroll through the posts and look at the authors names and see if one pops out at you.
And while I’m on the subject of Townhall’s blog, Mary Katharine Ham should blog more.


  1. Frank- Why isn’t Fred a regular poster on this site? You should get to work on that.
    This guy actually makes sense, is plain-spoken, can get his point across, and should have been the nominee.
    I guess what the people really want is a candidate who can talk for 15 minutes, articulate well, and never really say anything. It seems like that’s all we have had to choose from since Reagan. Sad.

  2. GE Quits Making Washing Machines:
    Bigbro says: About damn time. Let the Chinese make the washing machines. America makes the best damn weapons on the planet. And GE has a hell of a production line.
    For all you Neoliberal Utopians who complain that American manufacturing has gone offshore, get yourselves a job in the defense industry and get your asses off welfare.
    What I’m saying is, that if China wants Tawain, let them attack us with their washing machines.
    Another thought: Al Qaeda isn’t going to attack America with a suitcase washing machine.
    And we aren’t going to attack Al Qaeda with a good liquid detergent. Unless the Neoliberal Utopians take hold of the political reigns. Which might not be a bad plan.
    Let’s let the Neoliberals screw everything up and be done with it. Then we don’t have to deal with this talk that we’re racist if we don’t vote for a member of the Nation of Islam church.
    fred call aka bigbro

  3. Sounds like his main emphasis will be on their Magazine. Hope he blogs often, as well. It’ll be very interesting to see how he addresses McCain’s campaign planks. If McCain wins, I hope he offers Fred Sec. Def.

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