What We’re Running Against

Since Obama is most like the Democrat nominee, let’s look at the strength and weaknesses of him:
* Little experience.
* No accomplishments.
* Poor judgment.
* A history of hanging out with anti-American scumbags.
* Lies when politically convenient.
* Wherever he isn’t exceptionally bad, he’s just a typical politician.
* Liberal.
* He’s black, so his election will be historic.
So, basically the argument for Obama is that you should vote for him if you really want there to be a black president and don’t care if he’s a huge disaster (like Mayor Dinkins). Far in the future, people will look back to this period of history and say, “This is when America elected its first black president. He was so horrible — he had his head stuck in a bucket half his presidency — that many of the people who voted for him then voted to repeal the Fifteenth Amendment. Dark, dark times. We’re still recovering. Notice how we still don’t have flying cars? It’s far in the future, and cars still don’t fly. That’s ridiculous. Someone needs to get their ass moving on that.”


    • Little experience.
    • No accomplishments.
    • Poor judgment.
    • A history of hanging out with anti-American scumbags.
    • Lies when politically convenient.
    • Wherever he isn’t exceptionally bad, he’s just a typical politician.
    • Liberal.
      Aren’t somw of these points redundant?
  1. This might force McLame to choose an appropriate V.P now. He might have no choice but to ask Oklahoma Senator J.C Watts to be his V.P.
    This would be a good choice since it would give him an important demographic that would normally not vote for him.. (The conservative Republican vote)

  2. So now you’re plagiarizing?
    I saw these exact, same talking points on a pro-Obama! website (I think it was the NY Times or the Wash Post).
    The only difference? They were all under “Pros” and there was only one item under”cons”; that foreigners might start to respect America if we elected a black president.

  3. Underestimating BHO is dangerous. In fairness, BHO is a pretty good speaker (which will be welcome compared to Bush mangling the language). The odd, bordering on dangerous to me, aspect of his speaking ability is that he mesmerizes large swathes of his audience.

  4. @#4: I beg to differ. McCain is slimy, but he’s not stupid. Once Obama has the official nomination, McCain is free to choose absolutely anybody he wants, provided they’re to the right of Obama, and conservatives will pretty much have to vote for him. Oh, and since Obama is the left-most person in the US Senate (and possibly the entire city of DC), he can basically just throw a rock in the street and pick whoever it hits. Hell, he could run with Hillary, if she’ll have him.

  5. I can’t think straight.
    That girl on the “Conservative T-Shirts” ad has me all flustered. —–>
    You forgot other illustrious black leaders who paved the way for incredible progress and brought hope & prosperity to millions, such as: Everyone at the NAACP, Robert Mugabe, Marion Barry, Reverend Wright, Hewey Newton, Bobby Seal, Rodney King, Michele Obama-Hussein-Osama, Al Sharpton, Jessee “the body” Jackson & his brother Micheal, Everyone in Hollyweird regardless of apparent race, Bill Clinton, Katie Couric, Aunt Jemima, Malcolm X,Y & Z, Malik Shabazz, “Papa” Louis Farrakan….. goddam, there isn’t enough room for the whole list!

  6. #6 In fairness, BHO is a pretty good speaker
    Germany had a socialist that was a mesmerizing speaker, who had little experience.
    We won’t get the holocaust, but the devastation and the foreign occupation will be the same after his tenure.

  7. Who’d have thought that someone like Barack Obama could dust-off the oldest political con job in human history and win with it?
    I keep trying to wrap my head around an emerging fact. The Age of Stupidity is here ALREADY! I keep trying to convince myself that, oh no, not yet, we still have time before it hits. Nuh huh. Nope. Sorry, kiddo.
    The uninformed, unprincipled liberal masses will now control American politics for the foreseeable future. Go ahead. Wrap your head around THAT. And if you try to gauge how fast these dunce masses are being produced by our public school system, you’re left with realizing just how certain it is that our society must now devolve.
    So, I guess it does make sense that Obama will be the next president. He, no doubt, will be the first in a long chain of political snakeoil salesmen embraced en masse by truly stupid American masses in elections that remind one of middle school popularity contests. And the art of politics will focus entirely on how to manipulate that stupidity to get elected. You know, how do you control people who flunk basic history, geography and science tests out of high school?
    I guess I just need to get with “The Age of Stupidity.” Like, duh, Jim…. uh…. hope… change… Obama!

  8. Oh, and he couldn’t even carry his own state!
    (but you won’t hear that in the MSM)

    You got that right! There is only one reasaon that I would NEVER vote for OBama- He is From ILLinois.
    No one in their RIGHT mind from ILL-IN-NOise would vote for someone from ILL. BO has learned politics from the WORST- Cook County aka Chicago Democratic Machine Politics (ain’t nothing new about him.)
    The state is run by Democrats with a Democratic Gov. and they still can’t get anything done. – Oh yeah, they DID raise our taxes.

  9. That’s one advantage McCain and Hillary have over Obama – you can’t picture those two, or Bill, getting their heads stuck in a bucket. This fate I could easily imagine befalling Kerry, Dukakis, Gore, and (to be bipartisan) Dubya.
    As for Carter: He’s too smart to get a bucket stuck accidentally. But imagine if some bearded angry Muslim took a few hostages, and told Carter that they wouldn’t get fed unless he donned the bucket. Carter would then go on TV wearing the bucket and demand that you too wear the bucket in solidarity.

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